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Differential Diagnosis

  • Meniscal tear
  • ACL/PCL tear
  • Maisonneuve fracture
  • Displaced avulsion fracture of the tibial spine
  • Dislocation

The oval-shaped bone density projecting in the intercondylar notch region is a displaced avulsion fracture of the tibial spine, otherwise known as tibial eminence fractures or ACL avulsion fractures


  • ACL avulsion fractures are often associated with sports or other vigorous physical activity in children 8─13 years of age
  • The fracture occurs secondary to relative weakness of incompletely ossified tibial eminence compared to native ACL fibres

Pearls for Urgent Care Management and Considerations for Transfer

  • This injury is painful—the knee should be immobilized prior to transfer
  • Evaluate and document neurovascular status
  • Pain medication should be administered, with consideration to potential emergent surgical repair which would require NPO status
  • Evaluate for more serious considerations such as an open fracture, compartment syndrome, or fracture/dislocation in the proximal or distal joint
A 9-Year-Old Boy with Pain After Twisting His Knee