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A Thai study published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine concluded that curcumin, a natural compound derived from turmeric, had comparable efficacy to omeprazole in treating functional dyspepsia. Baseline dyspepsia scores were comparable between the groups participating in this randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of 151 patients. They were divided into those receiving curcumin alone, those receiving  omeprazole alone, and those receiving curcumin plus omeprazole. Participants in the combination group took two 250 mg curcumin capsules, four times a day, and one capsule of 20 mg omeprazole once daily for 28 days. Researchers found patients with functional dyspepsia treated with curcumin, curcumin plus omeprazole, and omeprazole alone had similar significant symptomatic improvement.

Good eats: Typically found in Indian cuisine, soups, and stews, turmeric has earthy, warm properties and is a cousin to ginger. It seems like a more pleasant route to treat dyspepsia than over-the-counter proton pump inhibitors, which are often the first-line treatment choice. Study authors also said, “Curcumin is increasingly being viewed as a biomolecule capable of being administered for an extended period without causing adverse effects.”

Delicious Relief from Functional Dyspepsia
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