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The Aflac Wellness Matters Survey generally reports on routine medical check-ups and cancer screenings, barriers for patients in obtaining screenings, and influences that prompt patients to seek out check-ups and screenings. The recent 2024 report also provides a small snapshot of the urgent care patient population. As cited in the survey with just over 700 employed adults ages 18-65 responding, the emergency department and urgent care centers are the main source of healthcare for many Americans, including:

  • 52% of the general population
  • 70% of Gen Z 
  • 66% of millennials 
  • 68% of African Americans
  • 66% of Hispanic Americans

Why not get checked out: Everyday factors of time and convenience were the top reasons why respondents say they don’t schedule their check-ups, such as not being able to take time off work, difficulty in getting childcare, and lack of transportation.

ED and UC Main Source of Care For Many Americans