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Differential Diagnosis
- Fracture, anterior nasal spine
- Fracture, frontal nasal spine
- Fracture, nasal bone
- Fracture, nasal septum

This patient sustained fractures of the anterior nasal spine and nasal bone.
Learnings/What to Look for
- The anterior nasal spine is a bony prominence at the intermaxillary suture located on the inferior edge of the nose at the level of the nostrils
- The anterior nasal spine is a major anatomic landmark for surgery involving the maxillofacial region, dental procedures, and in clinical nasal endoscopic sinus surgery
- Fractures of the anterior nasal spine in maxillofacial trauma are not uncommon (22%). However, the missed diagnosis rate of anterior nasal spine fractures is very high (95.4%) because this structure is often overlooked
Pearls for Urgent Care Management
- Conservative treatment is often sufficient, but open reduction and internal fixation via intraoral incision can be performed for displaced fractures
Acknowledgment: Image and case presented by Experity Teleradiology (
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