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Differential Diagnosis
- Pectus carinatum
- Pectus excavatum
- Poland syndrome
- Pentalogy of Cantrell

The x-ray shows an angulated appearance of the lower sternum. This patient was diagnosed with pectus carinatum, otherwise known as a pigeon chest, in which the sternum protrudes anteriorly.
Learnings/What to Look for
- Shortness of breath and exercise intolerance are common symptoms
- Radiographic features include two patterns of sternal protrusion: chondrogladiolar (protrusion of the middle and lower sternum) and chondromanubrial (protrusion of the manubrium and upper sternum)
- Pectus carinatum can be associated with scoliosis, Marfan syndrome, and other disorders
- Familial occurrence is reported in approximately 25% of cases and usual diagnosis occurs during childhood or adolescence
Pearls for Urgent Care Management
- Nonsurgical external bracing may be effective, especially in adolescents
- Referral for surgical consideration may be necessary
Acknowledgement: Image and case presented by Experity Teleradiology (
A 45-Year-Old with Chest Deformity
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