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Differential Diagnosis

  • Intertrigo
  • Irritant contact dermatitis
  • Candidiasis
  • Stasis dermatitis


This patient has intertrigo, a chronic inflammatory condition of approximating or opposing skin surfaces (intertriginous skin) such as the axillae, groin, inframammary folds, abdominal folds, and/or labiocrural folds. It is induced or exacerbated by any conditions causing increased heat, wetness, and friction and may be worse during hot or humid weather.

Learnings/What to Look for

  • Intertrigo is often complicated by superficial skin infection with yeast or bacteria. In candidal intertrigo, the presence of outlying satellite papules and/or pustules is diagnostic
  • Clinically, there is erythema and sometimes maceration, erosions, or fissuring
  • The affected areas may itch or burn
  • Intertrigo is most frequently seen in obese and/or diabetic patients
  • Incontinence is a predisposing factor in intertrigo of the perineum and crural folds, and there is significant overlap with diaper dermatitis

Pearls for Urgent Care Management and Considerations for Transfer

  • Mild cases of intertrigo can be treated by keeping the area dry and exposed to air
  • Topical steroid cream may be necessary in more severe cases, or when exposing the area to air is not feasible
  • Antifungal powder may be helpful in keeping the affected area dry

Acknowledgment: Image and case provided by VisualDx (

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