A Chicago urgent care operator is the latest healthcare facility to be the target of a data breach with the potential to expose the healthcare records and other sensitive information of more than a hundred thousand patients. It’s believed that the breach, which is thought to have occurred over several days in May, was the result of hackers intentionally trying to access the system. While the potential consequences of that to patients are obvious, don’t forget that the operator may now have legal exposure over the incident. This begs the question of whether any urgent care records are as safe as they can be. While no system is completely impregnable, it would be in your best interest to be able to demonstrate that you took every precaution possible in the event that you’re hit with some sort of cyberattack. JUCM published an article that could be helpful in that regard. Education Is Key to Avoiding Increasingly Sophisticated Cyber Crime is available in our archive right now.
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A Chicago Urgent Care Center Just Got Hit with a Data Breach. Take Steps to Lower Your Risk