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Differential Diagnosis
- Achille’s tendon rupture
- Ankle dislocation
- Metatarsal fracture
- Posterior malleolar fracture
- Talar dome injury
The patient sustained an isolated posterior malleolar fracture.
Learnings/What to Look for
- Typically, this injury is the result of acute foot flexion
- Relevant to imaging, the injury is often visible only on the lateral view
- This injury usually occurs in association with bimalleolar or trimalleolar fracture, but in this case is isolated
Pearls for Urgent Care Management
- Surgery is often required
- Postoperative care typically requires that the patient be non–weight-bearing for 6 weeks before initiating physical therapy
Acknowledgment: Image and case presented by Experity Teleradiology (
A Young Man with Acute Ankle Injury
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