Be Aware: Another Multistate Outbreak Is Claiming Lives

Be Aware: Another Multistate Outbreak Is Claiming Lives

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is in the midst of investigating an outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections that have sickened dozens—and left two people dead. Cases have occurred in 13 states, to date, with most patients requiring hospitalization. No specific source has been identified. Listeria symptoms vary greatly by patient and site of infection, but common complaints include fever and diarrhea similar to other food-borne infections. Pregnant women who are infected tend to …

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New Data Reveal Why Patients Keep (and Will Continue) Flocking to Urgent Care

New Data Reveal Why Patients Keep (and Will Continue) Flocking to Urgent Care

High costs are forcing consumers to think long and hard about where they want to go when the need to see a healthcare provider, according to data newly released by Loyale Healthcare—which dovetails with the growing availability (and popularity) of urgent care. The authors of the report note that urgent care centers “represent an increasingly popular low-cost alternative to hospital emergency departments.” Further, their utility has been amplified by “the Millennial generation’s preferences for convenience …

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Despite the Need and Good Intentions, #MeToo May Have Unintended Consequences

Despite the Need and Good Intentions, #MeToo May Have Unintended Consequences

Legitimate, well-researched news stories have made it clear that sexual harassment, and sometimes even sexual assault, have been pervasive in American workplaces. Healthcare, including urgent care, is not immune. The need to take action to stop it, or at least levy serious consequences on those who commit abuses, is beyond debate. Unfortunately, however, even righteous causes sometimes have unintended consequences. An article just published in the Harvard Business Review reports a growing backlash against #MeToo, …

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Telemedicine Continues to Sink In—But to What Effect?

Telemedicine Continues to Sink In—But to What Effect?

It’s undeniable that telemedicine is one of the most widely discussed, evolving topics in medicine today. What is less clear is how it is likely to affect the general public’s approach to healthcare and actual clinical outcomes, and what impact it will have on office-based settings (including urgent care). An article just published in The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) confirms that the ability to dial in for a medical encounter is resonating with …

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What’s the Most Prevalent, Multistate Outbreak NOT Making Headlines?

What’s the Most Prevalent, Multistate Outbreak NOT Making Headlines?

Measles and chicken pox, soon to be joined once again by influenza, seem to get all the headlines but right now there’s a less talked-about infectious organism wreaking havoc literally from coast-to-coast. As we speak, nearly 1,700 new cases of cyclosporiasis have been reported in 33 states since May 1. Worse, the pace of the outbreak is picking up steam as the weeks fly by. As recently as July 23, there were “only” 580 cases …

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Your Expertise Can Be a Powerful Promotional Tool in the Community

Your Expertise Can Be a Powerful Promotional Tool in the Community

Vaping seems to be linked to pulmonary disease—even killing some patients. Vaccine-preventable diseases like measles are reappearing in alarming numbers. Flu season is coming, and the public needs to be reminded that they need to wash their hands regularly and stay home from work if they have symptoms that could be the result of influenza infection. More and more, healthcare news is mainstream news, and local television stations, cable news outlets, online publications, and newspapers …

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How Urgent Care Managers Can Support Their Employees Through the Grieving Process

How Urgent Care Managers Can Support Their Employees Through the Grieving Process

Urgent message: Everyone will experience some kind of loss in their lifetime; all too often, however, the workplace is ill-equipped to support grieving teammates. While anyone can provide kind words to a grief-stricken relative, friend, or coworker, managers in the urgent care setting have a unique role to fill—as human beings and as leaders. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is Chief Executive Officer of Velocity Urgent Care and is Practice Management Editor of The Journal …

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Remind Antivaxx Patients that Flu Shots Can Save Them from Cardiovascular Death

Remind Antivaxx Patients that Flu Shots Can Save Them from Cardiovascular Death

It may seem like we just finished the last flu season, but the statistical reality is that the next one is upon us. That means it’s time for you to start beating the vaccination drum again. You can expect the same misinformed objections from patients—the vaccine doesn’t work or can actually give you the flu; vaccines cause autism in children; the flu is no worse than a bad cold…. That last one may be the …

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Free JUCM Webinars: Do Ultrasound (and All Imaging) the Right—and Profitable—Way

Free JUCM Webinars: Do Ultrasound (and All Imaging) the Right—and Profitable—Way

Offering imaging services on site is no longer a distinguishing competitive advantage for your urgent care center. The industry, as a whole, has progressed to the point that it’s considered a standard attribute. So, in order to differentiate yourself from your competitors, you need to do it better—more efficiently, with utmost accuracy, and following industry best practices. JUCM is hosting a live webinar series to help you do just that. The first session, The Role …

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Build Strong Relationships by Stepping Up When Your Community Needs You—Like NOW

Build Strong Relationships by Stepping Up When Your Community Needs You—Like NOW

Urgent care providers want to help people. That’s why they chose their profession—and there may no better time to put that instinct front and center than when a community is in dire need. The interesting thing is, even if you put your “usual” way of doing business on hold you can still wind up initiating or solidifying relationships with the people who keep your business afloat. Take what one urgent care provider is doing for …

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