New Data Point to an Ongoing Need to Drive COVID-19 Booster Shots

New Data Point to an Ongoing Need to Drive COVID-19 Booster Shots

New cases of COVID-19 are falling across the U.S. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and reports from multiple state health departments. The same is holding true for hospitalization rates—with the exception of the unvaccinated. This has proven to be especially true during the Omicron surge, according to new data from the CDC. In fact, being fully vaccinated (including both the initial vaccine dosage and a booster shot) has been found to …

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Update: New Information Muddies the Waters on a COVID Vaccine–Myocarditis Connection

Update: New Information Muddies the Waters on a COVID Vaccine–Myocarditis Connection

A few months ago, we shared news about a study indicating that the threat of myocarditis was greater for patients who got COVID-19 than for people who received a COVID vaccine and did not become infected. Now a study just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association raises new questions about a possible connection. Analysis of 1,626 cases of myocarditis showed rates were increased in vaccinated patients across age and sex strata, but …

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This May Not Be the Wisest Time to Diversify Your Services to Include Weight Loss

This May Not Be the Wisest Time to Diversify Your Services to Include Weight Loss

New Year’s resolutions to lose weight may be even more prevalent in 2022 than in years past, thanks to nearly 2 years of people feeling inhibited (or even banned) from hitting the gym during the pandemic. At the same time, many urgent care operators are still fighting to recover from hardships they suffered in the COVID-19 era. On the surface, it could seem like a great time to take a flyer on offering weight-loss services. …

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Urgent Care Had to Fight for Its Seat at the Table, but Is Now an Essential Player in Fighting the Pandemic

Urgent Care Had to Fight for Its Seat at the Table, but Is Now an Essential Player in Fighting the Pandemic

The urgent care industry has done a great job of making the case that it has the expertise and accessibility to be essential to the fight against COVID-19—a far cry from the early days when resources were channeled elsewhere. This was confirmed when the Centers for Disease Control and prevention made a point of including urgent care centers on the same level as emergency rooms in a study of the effectiveness of boosters for both the …

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Update: Dispel the Myth That Remdesivir Is Killing People

Update: Dispel the Myth That Remdesivir Is Killing People

It wasn’t long ago that we shared data, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, indicating that a 3-day course of remdesivir reduced risk for hospitalization or death in patients with COVID-19 and certain comorbidities but who had not yet been hospitalized with the virus. Since then—starting with misinformation shared during a panel discussion in the U.S. Senate—there has been chatter that rather than saving lives, use of remdesivir actually increases risk of death …

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Paradox of the Day: With Free Home COVID Tests on the Way, Patients Need You More Than Ever

Paradox of the Day: With Free Home COVID Tests on the Way, Patients Need You More Than Ever

The federal government has begun distributing a billion at-home COVID-19 tests (that’s roughly eight per household). Some hospitals have already been handing them out to patients upon discharge, as well. While at first that may seem to negate, or at least lower, the need for testing in your urgent care center, the truth may ultimately be that patients will be reminded just how much they need your expertise. There have been reports that some hospital-distributed …

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Guard Against Complacency as Case Counts Fall—but Booster Acceptance is Falling Short

Guard Against Complacency as Case Counts Fall—but Booster Acceptance is Falling Short

The ongoing story of the COVID-19 pandemic is a big bag of mixed messages these days. The Omicron variant is more transmissible, but less likely to lead to serious illness in most otherwise-healthy patients. The death rate is far lower than it was earlier in the pandemic, but hospitalizations are soaring again. What is not a mixed message is the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s key message, as outlined by Director …

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Already Problematic, There’s More to Omicron Than We Understood

Already Problematic, There’s More to Omicron Than We Understood

Though COVID-19 case numbers are slowly coming down in some regions of the United States, the Omicron variant still driving hospitalization rates higher from coast to coast. So, it’s a bit daunting to learn that a “new” subvariant of Omicron, dubbed BA.2, has been reported in 40 countries—including the U.S.—as of January 24. According to the World Health Organization, BA.2 comprises four lineages: B.1.1.529, BA.1, BA.2 and BA.3. While mainstream media outlets have quoted various scientists …

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That ‘Bring a Note from Your Doctor’ Routine Is Proving to Be Problematic for Many Practices

That ‘Bring a Note from Your Doctor’ Routine Is Proving to Be Problematic for Many Practices

On the one hand, it makes sense that employers and school systems want to ensure that people who have been out due to COVID-19 are in the clear before they report back for work or classes. On the other hand, the fact that they’re requiring a clearance note from a physician before allowing them back in the door is proving to be a logistical nightmare for many practices. Multiple health systems and county health departments …

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Keep Your Billing Practices in Order, or Your Patients (and Your Business) Could Face the Consequences

Keep Your Billing Practices in Order, or Your Patients (and Your Business) Could Face the Consequences

It took a relatively long time for urgent care centers to get their fair share of COVID-19 testing supplies and vaccines. Once they did, they became an essential contributor to fighting the pandemic. At least one urgent care operator found out the hard way just how easy it is to be thrown back into those dark days—and they’ve only got themselves to blame. The operator, which will remain nameless, found its test kits dwindling and …

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