Abstracts in Urgent Care: November, 2014

Generic medication appearance Key point: When providing generic prescriptions, warn patients about generic medication colors and shapes. Citation: Kesselheim AS, Bykov K, Avorn J, et al. Burden of changes in pill appearance for patients receiving generic cardiovascular medications after myocardial infarction: Cohort and nested case–control studies. Ann Intern Med. 2014; 161:96-103. Researchers in this study attempted to determine if changes in color or shape of a generic drug led to discontinuation of that drug. Patients …

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Developing Data: November, 2014

These data from the 2012 Urgent Care Industry Benchmarking Study are based on a sample of 1,732 urgent care centers; 95.2% of the respondents were UCA members. Among other criteria, the study was limited to centers that have a licensed provider onsite at all times; have two or more exam rooms; typically are open 7 days/week, 4 hours/day, at least 3,000 hours/year; and treat patients of all ages (unless specifically a pediatric urgent care). In …

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Workers’ Compensation Visits, Cerumen Removal

Q. I have a question on coding Workers’ Compensation claims. I work in a hospital system and hospital coders oversee our charts. I feel they under code for the work we do. They are afraid of audits and refusal to pay. Typically, they will return the chart so that I can document my time and then they will charge for the time spent instead of the documentation. I’m told there are no “bullet points” or …

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Antibiotic Management of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis and Pyelonephritis in Women

Antibiotic Management of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis and Pyelonephritis in Women

Urgent message: Proper empiric antibiotic treatment in women with acute uncomplicated cystitis and pyelonephritis can prevent unnecessary morbidity and provide urgent relief from these common genitourinary infections. MOZELLA WILLIAMS, MD Genitourinary infections in women are encountered frequently in the urgent care setting. Timely diagnosis and proper empiric antibiotic treatment will usually forestall serious complications and provide speedy relief. Over a lifetime, 50% of women will experience an acute uncomplicated cystitis, also known as a lower …

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The Power of Innocence in Medicine

Lee A. Resnick, MD, FAAFP Medicine, from time to time, calls for reflection. The hangover from arduous shifts, the mind-numbing regulatory “whack-a-mole,” the technology treadmill and the career second-guessing, all contribute to an epidemic of lost perspective in our profession. In an effort to manage an avalanche of competing interests, physicians often sacrifice themselves to the point of burnout and self-destructive behavior. Without perspective, these burdens soon overwhelm even the hardiest among us. We become …

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An Urgent Care Approach to Joint and Soft-Tissue Injection/ Aspiration: Part 2

An Urgent Care Approach to Joint and Soft-Tissue Injection/ Aspiration: Part 2

Urgent message: Injection/aspiration therapy for selected musculoskeletal complaints is becoming more common in urgent care practice. Part 2 of this series offers step-by-step guidance on treatment of conditions from “tennis elbow” to bursitis and cysts. THOMAS V. GOCKE, III, MS, ATC, PA-C, DFAAPA The focus of Part 1 of this series, in the September issue of JUCM, was on understanding the inflammatory response, use of corticosteroids and anesthetic agents (Table 1), pre- and post-aspiration/injection considerations, …

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New CMS Modifiers, Urgent Care Codes, Supply Codes

Q. What will be the impact of use of the new HCPCS modifiers related to modifier -59 beginning January 1, 2015? A. CMS recently announced the creation of four new HCPCS modifiers that will further refine modifier -59, “Distinct procedural service.” According to CMS, modifier -59 is the most widely used modifier, and it is being used inappropriately in most cases. Adding modifier -59 indicates that a code represents a service that is separate and …

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