Clinical Challenge 3: October 2017

Clinical Challenge 3: October 2017

A 40-year-old woman visits your urgent care center several days after first noticing a rash of pruritic smooth papules on her trunk and intertriginous areas. She reports that she had been spending a lot of time in the pool with her children before they returned to school. Now she also has a fever and swollen glands, and complains of general malaise. View the photo and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution …

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Clinical Challenge 2: October 2017

Clinical Challenge 2: October 2017

A 42-year-old woman with a history of anxiety presents, complaining of intermittent palpitations over the past 2 weeks. She says she has not taken any medication and denies chest pain, shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fever, or dizziness. Upon exam, you find: General: Alert and oriented X 3 Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally Cardiovascular: Regular and tachycardic without murmur, rub, or gallop Abdomen: Soft and nontender without rigidity, rebound, or guarding Extremities: No pain or swelling, …

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Clinical Challenge: October 2017

The patient is a 25-year-old male who presents with pain over the distal phalanx of the middle finger. He says he hit it with a hammer while hanging a picture frame in his new apartment a short while ago. Pain is evident upon palpation over the distal phalanx of the middle finger, but there are no cuts or breaks in the skin. Neurovascular status is intact. View the image taken (Figure 1) and consider what …

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Why Urgent Care Needs More Controllers, Fewer Empathizers

Why Urgent Care Needs More Controllers, Fewer Empathizers

Urgent message: The rise of self-service technologies means that when patients actually do need to interact with frontline staff to resolve a service issue, their more complicated issues, more stringent demands, and higher expectations require an opinionated and outspoken “controller” personality type to take control of the situation. As urgent care relies on positive of word-of-mouth to drive new and repeat visits, a center not only must deliver an exceptional patient experience, but also resolve …

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Approach to the Child with Chest Pain

Approach to the Child with Chest Pain

Urgent message: Chest pain is both more common and, typically, less concerning in children than in adults. If anything, however, this underscores the importance of guarding against a false sense of safety in low-risk causes, and maintaining vigilance for life-threatening etiologies. SABAH F. IQBAL, MD, FAAP and HANSEL OTERO, MD The case: A 12-year-old healthy African-American boy presents to urgent care with 2 days of midsternal chest pain, which is worse when he’s taking big …

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Doing the MACRA’ena—Part II

In my last column, I tried to explain the complicated math involved in calculating the potential financial impact of MACRA/MIPS on urgent care centers. I made the case for a significant return on investment for a typical urgent care with a typical mix of Medicare patients. Of course, all of the potential return depends on implementation of practical and efficient quality improvement programs that meet the measurement and reporting expectations outlined by the Centers for …

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CDC Calls for More Prevention Against a ‘Persistent Enemy’

CDC Calls for More Prevention Against a ‘Persistent Enemy’

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is calling for a “renewed commitment from all players” to fight sharp increases in sexually transmitted diseases. In the past year alone, more than 2 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were reported in the U.S. While 1.6 million of those cases were chlamydia, there were 470,000 cases of gonorrhea and nearly 28,000 cases of primary and secondary syphilis. Calling STDs “a growing threat,” the agency stressed …

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New Urgent Care Center Focuses on Dentistry for the Uninsured

New Urgent Care Center Focuses on Dentistry for the Uninsured

Recognizing a need in the community and a chance to get an established patient base, the A.T. Still University-Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health (ATSU) is partnering with Affinia Healthcare on an urgent care clinic for uninsured people with dental problems. As with more traditional urgent care operators, the idea of the Centene Charitable Foundation Urgent Dental Care Center is to eliminate waiting periods for patients in need, but also to discourage people from …

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Lessons Learned from Launching Telehealth Urgent Care Services

Lessons Learned from Launching Telehealth Urgent Care Services

Colorado’s UCHealth had some idea what it was getting into when it launched its urgent care telehealth program last year—but as with all new ventures, things unforeseen and unimagined have provided ample opportunity to learn. Now the company is sharing some of those lessons in the form of 7 Riddles to Solve When Launching a Telehealth Urgent Care Service in an online article from mHealth Intelligence. The company acknowledges they’re not making money on telehealth …

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Opportunity for Urgent Care Growth May Be Greatest in Rural Areas

Opportunity for Urgent Care Growth May Be Greatest in Rural Areas

There is a rare opportunity for a “transformative urgent care brand” to lock up market share in rural areas across the U.S., according to McGuireWoods, a public affairs consultancy. In fact, that was one of the nine key takeaways from their 12th annual Healthcare Provider Conference in Charlotte this month. Observing that urgent care operators have largely focused on growth in urban areas, McGuireWoods predicted that the next big opportunity will be in underserved rural …

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