Feds Charge Hundreds—Including Doctors and Nurses—with $1.3 Billion in Healthcare Fraud

Feds Charge Hundreds—Including Doctors and Nurses—with $1.3 Billion in Healthcare Fraud

The U.S. departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Justice (DOJ) have announced charges against 412 defendants in the largest healthcare fraud action yet by the Medicare Fraud Strike Force. Among those charged are 115 doctors, nurses, and other licensed medical professionals. More than 120 of the defendants are charged with taking part in prescribing and distributing opioids, as well as other narcotics. All told, the alleged fraud schemes amount to $1.3 billion in …

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Drug-Resistance Growing in STDs

Drug-Resistance Growing in STDs

Rising rates of antibiotic resistance in general have been discussed extensively. What has not been addressed as specifically is the growing number of cases of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. Data that show condom use is declining makes this trend even more alarming, the World Health Organization warns. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacteria that causes the STD, in particular, has become prone to developing resistance to the drugs used to treat it, according to …

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Seasonal Workers Need Urgent Care, Too

Seasonal Workers Need Urgent Care, Too

The dog days of summer are all the more brutal for the seasonal workers lugging tourists’ bags, sitting in the sun at the top of the water slide, and keeping the greens green on the golf course. Many of them may even be away from home and staying in employee housing. Where will they turn when they need immediate care? Your urgent care center would be a great place to start—provided you’ve laid the groundwork …

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Courting LGBTQ Patients Can Benefit Communities and Your Revenue Stream

Courting LGBTQ Patients Can Benefit Communities and Your Revenue Stream

Urgent care centers might be wise to follow the lead of the many nonhealthcare businesses that have recognized the value of ensuring that lesbian, gay, bi, trans, questioning (LGBTQ) consumers are welcomed and treated appropriately. Many have invested heavily in marketing and advertising that gets that message across, in fact. Aside from the ethics of ensuring that all patients are treated with dignity, respect, and the appropriate care, a survey by Community Marketing shows that …

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Data Confirm that Urgent Care Can Keep Cancer Patients Out of the ED

Data Confirm that Urgent Care Can Keep Cancer Patients Out of the ED

The University of Colorado Cancer Center in Aurora, CO has quantified just how much urgent care can contribute to the overall health of patients with cancer—and it’s considerable. The Clinical Assessment and Rapid Evaluation (CARE) Clinic within the cancer center helped keep 21% of cancer patients out of the emergency room, generating over $176,000 in revenue over a period of 7 months. There’s no telling how many potentially serious complications were prevented by saving immunocompromised …

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Plague in the House—Could You Identify the Patient?

Plague in the House—Could You Identify the Patient?

Urgent message: While common perceptions are that the plague—the infamous microorganism that claimed the lives of countless millions in ancient times—has been eradicated in modern society, infections still occur, even in the United States. While the odds of encountering a patient infected with the plague are thin, its presentation of flu-like symptoms—which could easily lead a patient to urgent care—make it a diagnosis urgent care providers should be aware of. Introduction Yersinia pestis—known commonly as …

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In the ED with a Nonemergency? Pay to Stay, or Walk Away

In the ED with a Nonemergency? Pay to Stay, or Walk Away

We all know emergency room waiting areas are choked with patients who could be treated just as well—and in less time for less money—in an urgent care center. That makes it all the more difficult for patients who really need to be there to be seen in a reasonable amount of time. Now Thomas Health System in Charleston, WV, thinks it has found a way to make people think twice about heading to the ED …

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Longer Shifts = More Stress, Fatigue, and Less Satisfaction for Nurses

Longer Shifts = More Stress, Fatigue, and Less Satisfaction for Nurses

Four additional hours in a shift makes a big difference to busy nurses, according to new data published in the Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. Nurses working 12-hour shifts are more likely than those who put in 8 hours to experience anxiety, musculoskeletal disorders, disturbed sleep, and stress. The metaanalysis focused on 12 studies. The authors concluded that it was not so much the mere act of working for 12 hours, but the prolonged …

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Most Doctors Say They’re Not Prepared for MACRA

Most Doctors Say They’re Not Prepared for MACRA

We told you recently that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services lowered the threshold for physicians to be exempt from MACRA’s reporting requirements in 2018. It’s a good thing, too: 75% of physicians involved in practice decision-making say they do not feel well prepared to participate in MACRA’s Quality Payment Program (QPP). The data were just released by the American Medical Association and KPMG. The QPP pushes eligible providers to choose between the Advanced Alternative …

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Mumps Cases Among College Students Are Climbing—Probe for Vaccine Status

Mumps Cases Among College Students Are Climbing—Probe for Vaccine Status

Summer vacation just started, but it won’t be long before college students are getting ready to head back to campus. With mumps cases continuing to be reported at Harvard University, among other schools, reminders that patients need to ensure they’re up to date on vaccinations should be considered in every patient who comes into your urgent care center. Harvard has seen a resurgence in mumps cases over the past year. In spring 2016, there were …

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