Workplace Gossip in Urgent Care: The Impact of Toxic Talk

Workplace Gossip in Urgent Care: The Impact of Toxic Talk

Urgent message: Malicious gossip in an urgent care center can undermine trust, service, and teamwork. Knowing how to spot toxic talk is the first step to rooting it out before it takes hold. ALAN A. AYERS, MBA, MAcc, Experity What’s the harm in a little workplace gossip? Well, consider what happens when a billing manager opines that an operations manager “slept” her way into a job. Or, when a new executive tells a staff member …

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Workplace Bullying and its Costs to the Urgent Care Operation

Urgent message: More than one third of U.S. employees say they have been bullied in the workplace. Does your practice have a policy in place to thwart this insidious problem? If not, it should. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MACC What is the Difference Between Diversity and Tolerance? According to one definition, diversity is anything that makes you different while tolerance is not persecuting people who are different. Many urgent care operations strive for a unified …

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Motivate Your Front-Line Staff With Enlightened Leadership

Motivate Your Front-Line Staff With Enlightened Leadership

Urgent message: Registration specialists, medical assistants, and techs may be your lowest-paid employees, but the success of your urgent care is in their hands—and their success is in yours. ALAN A. AYERS, MBA, MAcc, Experity Urgent care is a service business whose long-term viability depends on patient loyalty and word of mouth. That’s why urgent care entrepreneurs spend tens of thousands of dollars in selecting the right locations, equipping them with the latest technology, and …

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Take Patient Satisfaction to the Next Level

Take Patient Satisfaction to the Next Level

Urgent message: Companies like Apple and Nordstrom have raised the quality of customer experience to an art form, one that urgent cares would do well to emulate. ALAN A. AYERS, MBA, MACC, Experity Introduction Urgent care is positioned as a consumer-focused delivery channel for low-acuity medical services differentiated from hospital emergency departments and primary care practices by retail-facing locations, extended evening and weekend hours, and walk-in convenience. As with airlines, restaurants, and other service businesses, …

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Enhancing Profits with Immigration Physicals

Enhancing Profits with Immigration Physicals

Urgent message: Conducting immigration physicals can be surprisingly lucrative. These relatively high-priced, cash-only visits incur no insurance billing or accounts receivable carrying costs. And because they are scheduled, ebbs and flows in patient volume can be leveled. Here’s how it works. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Practice Velocity The success of a new urgent care center in a community requires a change in consumer behavior, with a sufficient number of residents shifting their utilization from …

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Competitive Analysis to Stand Above the Crowd

Competitive Analysis to Stand Above the Crowd

Urgent message: Providing high-quality care and good service is not necessarily enough to attract and keep patients, especially if those patients can take their pick from among several urgent care centers. More and more, urgent care operators need to be aware of how their competitors operate. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Practice Velocity All too often, urgent care entrepreneurs operate in a vacuum. They feel that if they offer a well-appointed facility with good signage, …

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Getting Paid: Ten Steps to Reducing Accounts Receivable

Urgent message: Unlike businesses that expect—and receive—full payment at the time services or goods are secured, urgent care centers often wait for full payment from third-party payors. Efficient management of accounts receivable is crucial to the center’s financial viability. By Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Practice Velocity Urgent care centers—which appeal to consumers on the basis of high-visibility locations, extended hours, and walk-in convenience—are often compared to “retail” businesses. Unlike stores, restaurants, and other “retailers” …

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Agencies Can Extend Clinical Recruiting and Staffing Capabilities

Agencies Can Extend Clinical Recruiting and Staffing Capabilities

Urgent message: Medical staffing agencies extend an urgent care center’s recruiting and staffing capabilities with solutions to fill all operating hours with qualified providers. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Practice Velocity Introduction The United States faces a shortage of primary care and emergency medicine physicians – the provider force feeding urgent care. When an urgent care center has an insufficient number of providers to adequately cover its schedule, the patient experience suffers due to extended …

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Protecting the Urgent Care Center from Sexual Harassment Claims

Protecting the Urgent Care Center from Sexual Harassment Claims

Urgent message: Sexual harassment claims can be costly for an urgent care operator, not tomention ruinous to a center’s reputation. An urgent care center should protect itself by having firm policies and procedures in place to prevent and resolve sexual harassment issues. Alan Ayers, MA, MAcc, Experity Sexual harassment emerged as a major human resources issue in the 1990s. Victims of alleged sexual harassment – who can be men or women – sometimes find sympathetic …

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Building Urgent Care Referral Relationships Part 2: EDs, PCPs, and Specialists

Building Urgent Care Referral Relationships Part 2: EDs, PCPs, and Specialists

Urgent message: Forging solid relationships with other clinicians in emergency, primary care, or specialty settings can help facilitate two-way referrals and prove beneficial to all parties involved – including patients. The second of two parts. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Overbooked primary care officers and time-consuming (not to mention costly) trips to the emergency room leave many patients frustrated and feeling they have no place left to turn when a medical condition requires immediate attention …

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