Cervical Facetitis—An Unusual Cause of Neck Pain

Cervical Facetitis—An Unusual Cause of Neck Pain

Urgent message: Though neck pain is a common complaint among patients presenting to urgent care centers, cervical facetitis is a relatively uncommon cause. Nonetheless, urgent care providers should consider it in the differential diagnosis for patients presenting with neck pain, even those who are afebrile. Mark Richman, MD, MPH; Brendan Appold, MS; and Jennie Soniega-Sherwood, MPH Case Presentation The patient is a 62-year-old-female with no significant past medical history who presented to a hospital-based urgent …

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Ocular Arteriovenous Malformation Manifesting as Proptosis

Ocular Arteriovenous Malformation Manifesting as Proptosis

Urgent message: Proptosis may be caused by a variety of vascular, infectious, endocrine, and neoplastic diseases that may threaten vision or cause serious systemic complications or death. Providers should be familiar with causes and work-up, including which findings suggest a need for immediate imaging and consultation. ARMIN GOLLOGLY, MD, BRIAN ZIPSER, MD, WENDY HUANG, MD, FAAO, FAAP, CHRISTOPHER M. FECAROTTA, MD, FAAO, FAAP, FCPP, AND MARK RICHMAN, MD, MPH Introduction This report describes a case of unilateral proptosis due to …

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