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In the past few years, parents have been attracted to at-home devices to monitor their infant’s vital signs during sleep, which are meant to offer reassurance by providing parents with continuous real-time data. Infant devices might measure, for example, respiratory rate, heart rate, peripheral oxygen saturation, and sleep quality. Beyond just crib cameras, some options include wearable socks, belts, and swaddles. There is virtually no guidance for providers on advising families about the devices or the data they generate, according to a recent commentary in Contemporary Pediatrics. Many of the outcomes are self-reported by the device manufacturers, and clinical data on accuracy is lacking. Especially concerning would be the potential for unnecessary anxiety and clinical visits for false alarms.

Expert advice: No doubt many moms and dads have sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) on their minds when buying these devices to monitor babies. Yet, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of these infant physiologic monitoring devices as a way to reduce the risk of SIDS, most likely because there’s no data to support it. 

Baby Sleep Monitors Have Little Evidence of Effectiveness