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Depending on which data you put the most stick in, anywhere from one quarter to half of all prescriptions for antibiotics are inappropriate. The Urgent Care Association, health systems, individual practices, and various medical societies have all launched initiative to help curb that bad habit and reduce risk for associated deaths from drug-resistant infections. As reported by UCLA Health, one such initiative, Choosing Wisely—launched by the American Board of Internal Medicine more than 10 years ago—has now been shown to reduce prescriptions written inappropriately for acute respiratory infections by 18% in two large Los Angeles safety net hospitals. Supported by a statewide pay-for-performance programs, researchers found success in implementing interventions that included audit and feedback; provider education; suggested alternative treatments; using procalcitonin, a test to diagnose lower respiratory tract infections; and public commitment. The complete findings were published recently in the American Journal of Managed Care.

‘Choosing Wisely’ Works to Reduce Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing