Sudden-Onset Severe Headache

Sudden-Onset Severe Headache

Urgent message: Patients with imminently life-threatening conditions can present to an urgent care appearing to be in good health or even with a viable alternative explanation for their symptoms. It is important to be vigilant for red flags of serious illness. ARASH MIRZAIE, MS4, and MICHAEL WEINSTOCK, MD Headache is one of the most common presenting complaints in ambulatory settings. Urgent care providers must rapidly evaluate and diagnose a variety headache types in a time-limited …

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Dermatologic Manifestation of a Life- Threatening, Systemic Disease

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Dermatologic Manifestation of a Life- Threatening, Systemic Disease

Urgent message: Obtaining a detailed medical history is paramount for the early detection and treatment of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Failure to acquire adequate patient information can lead to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment of this potentially life-threatening disease. WHITNEY CRAMER, PA-C Many dermatologic conditions such as rashes and eczema are encountered by urgent care providers on a daily basis. Often these conditions are diagnosed as contact dermatitis or are misdiagnosed, or the patient is referred …

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Palatine Mass: Physiologic or Pathologic?

Palatine Mass: Physiologic or Pathologic?

Urgent message: Urgent care physicians often encounter patients with masses in the mouth. If they are aware of the existence of toripalatinus and know how to treat them, they can reassure patients who may mistake this benign, congenital bony growth for cancer. JOSHUA WILSON, MS3, and SHAILENDRA SAXENA, MD, PhD Introduction Urgent care and primary-care physicians often must evaluate masses within the mouth. These masses commonly originate from the submandibular or sublingual gland, but a …

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Mixed Martial Arts Injuries

Mixed Martial Arts Injuries

Urgent message: Because typical participants in mixed martial arts are young and healthy, many present to urgent care settings with a clear musculoskeletal injury and no other medical problems. Do not be distracted by the most obvious injury. Injuries from atypical mechanisms of injury are common in mixed martial arts and should be considered when evaluating a patient who has sustained injuries while participating in the sport. DEENA R. ZIMMERMAN, MD, MPH, IBCLC; NAHUM KOVALSKI, …

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Soft-Tissue Infection Due to Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Aeromonas hydrophila

Soft-Tissue Infection Due to Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Aeromonas hydrophila

Urgent message: Failure to recognize and treat the early development of skin and soft-tissue infection from a stingray envenomation may result in significant tissue necrosis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. WILLIAM A. WOOLERY, DO, PhD, MS, MBA, FACOFP Stingray injuries to humans are very common but rarely fatal. Approximately 2000 cases are reported annually in the United States.1–3 At my rural hospital on the west coast of Florida, we see an average of 45 such …

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Acute Severe Thigh Pain While Running

Acute Severe Thigh Pain While Running

Urgent message: Summer brings increased participation in outdoor activities and sports in which patients are likely to sustain injury. Patients with thigh injuries, such as injury to the quadriceps and patellar tendon, may present to the urgent care center. Timely diagnosis is essential in preserving strength and function of the quadriceps complex. TRACEY QUAIL DAVIDOFF, MD Patients who run and jump are at risk for injuring their quadriceps complex. These activities are common in the …

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Pediatric Periorbital Cellulitis from an Intranasal Button Battery

Pediatric Periorbital Cellulitis from an Intranasal Button Battery

Urgent message: When a child presents with periorbital cellulitis with no obvious cause, checking for intranasal foreign body, such as a button battery, is of paramount importance. Serious complications can be avoided if the foreign body is removed in a timely manner. MAY MOHTY, MD, FAAP, FAAUCM, and JACOB ANDERSON, DO Preseptal cellulitis, also known as periorbital cellulitis, is a relatively common diagnosis in the pediatric population. It is defined as infection of the space …

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Epiploic Appendagitis

Epiploic Appendagitis

Urgent message: Because pain in the lower abdomen is a symptom that can indicate many diseases, including acute appendicitis and acute diverticulitis, it is easy to misdiagnose epiploic appendagitis (EA). Thus, it is important that urgent care practitioners be able to distinguish EA from many other entities, especially because surgery presents the risk of complications. MAY MOHTY, MD, FAAP, FAAUCM, and ANDREW WANG, MS-3 An epiploic appendage is a fat-filled sac (1–2 cm thick and …

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Aortic Dissection

Aortic Dissection

Urgent message: Although chest pain in young adults is often benign, it is important to realize that emergency cases can sometimes be disguised as normal examination findings in adults. ZANA ALATTAR and JOHN SHUFELDT, MD, JD, MBA, FACEP This case demonstrates the importance of considering and ruling out rare cases of aortic dissection in patients with chest pain. We describe a case illustrating the approach to the management and work-up of chest pain in young …

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Fracture of the Penis with Urethral Rupture

Fracture of the Penis with Urethral Rupture

Urgent message: Failure to diagnose and, if necessary, repair penile fracture can result in devastating consequences such as stricture, fistula, and long-term voiding difficulty. TAYT ELLISON, MS-3, SHAILENDRA SAXENA, MD, PhD, LAURA KLUG, PharmD, and SANJEEV SHARMA, MD Although penile trauma is not a common presentation in the urgent care setting, it is under-reported because of embarrassment, as are other injuries related to sexual activity. The urgent care clinician should be prepared to evaluate these …

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