Case A 30-year-old woman visited urgent care complaining of a burning sensation on her tongue. At first, she had blamed it on a spicy meal, but the feeling didn’t go away and now she feels as though she isn’t able to taste food as usual. Looking back, she recalls that over a month ago she noticed a white plaque on her tongue. However, that had had disappeared within a day so she hadn’t thought much …
Read MoreA 73-Year-Old Man with a 2-Week History of Palpitations
Case The patient is a 73-year-old male smoker who complains that he has had intermittent palpitations for the past 2 weeks. He denies chest pain, diaphoresis, fever, or dizziness. He uses home oxygen, 2 L/min, but denies any new shortness of breath. Upon exam, you find: General: Alert and oriented x 3 Lungs: Scattered minimal wheezing, which is symmetric Cardiovascular: Regular and tachycardic without murmur, rub, or gallop Abdomen: Soft and nontender without rigidity, rebound, …
Read MoreA 21-Year-Old Male with Foot Pain
Case A 21-year-old male presents with pain after dropping a piece of furniture on his right foot. He is physically able to bear weight during the assessment, though his pain is evident and he is unsteady when shifting his weight to the injured foot. View the image taken (Figure 1) and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the next page.
Read MoreAn 18-Year-Old Woman with Sudden Rash, Vomiting, and Cramping
Case An 18-year-old woman was swimming in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida when suddenly she experienced a sharp, stinging pain on her arm. That evolved into a severe ache shortly, accompanied by a painful red lesion. She vomited on her way to your urgent care center, and still feels nauseous. She is also complaining of muscle cramps. View the photo and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of …
Read MoreA 38-Year-Old Woman with Shoulder Pain
Case A 38-year-old female patient presents with acute shoulder pain following a fall on an outstretched arm during a spring skiing vacation. There is a normal appearance to the shoulder, but significant pain even with minimal attempts at range of motion. The clavicle and elbow are nontender. Neurovascular status is intact. View the image taken (Figure 1) and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the …
Read MoreA 62-Year-Old Woman with Dizziness and Palpitations
Case The patient is a 62-year-old woman who presents to the urgent care center after 1 hour of intermittent dizziness and feeling of palpitations. She has no chest pain, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. Further history reveals that she has a history of anxiety, which is manifested by intermittent feeling of heart “palpitations.” Her primary care doctor is treating her with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) for anxiety. Upon exam, you find: General: Alert and …
Read MoreA 42-Year-Old Woman with Short-Term Dizziness and Vomiting
Case This 42-year-old woman presents to your urgent care center with a 2-hour history intermittent dizziness and vomiting. She denies diarrhea or exposure to ill persons. Further history reveals that she has recently had some epigastric discomfort. In the exam room, she is alert and oriented. She seems comfortable, in fact. In addition, you find: Lungs: Minimal bilateral symmetric wheezing Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop Abdomen: Soft and nontender without …
Read MoreA 37-Year-Old Man with a Two-Day History of Chest Pain
The patient is a 37-year-old man who reports a two-day history of chest pain. It worsens with exertion, and when he lays back; it improves when he’s sitting or leaning forward. He denies any diaphoresis, radiation, or back pain. No pleuritic aspect. During the exam, he is alert and oriented, and in no distress. In addition, you find: Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop Abdomen: Soft …
Read MoreElbow Pain and Swelling After a Fall
Case A 28-year-old woman presents to urgent care with elbow pain and swelling following a mechanical fall. She reports the pain is worse with range of motion. There is no shoulder or wrist pain, and no paresthesias. Exam confirms pain with palpation and decreased range of motion. The radial pulse is 2+; sensation distal to the elbow is grossly intact. The patient is afebrile, has a pulse of 104, respirations 20, and BP 124/80. View …
Read MoreDull, Constant Back Pain After a Fall: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
Case A 67-year-old male presents with acute mid-low back pain following a fall. He describes the pain as “dull and constant.” When asked if the pain is worse with range of motion, he replies, “I think so.” Physical exam reveals he is afebrile, has a pulse of 102, respirations 20, and blood pressure 122/78. His abdomen is soft and nontender without rigidity, rebound, or guarding; there is no bruising or distention. His back appears normal, …
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