Updates on Sports Related Concussion from the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport

Updates on Sports Related Concussion from the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport

Over the last 20 years, the Concussion in Sport Group has met periodically to develop statements guiding the assessment and management of sports related concussions. The most recent meeting of the group took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in October 2022 and produced updated and freely available, evidence-informed tools to assist in the detection and assessment of sports related concussion (SRC). These tools include: the Concussion Recognition Tool-6 (CRT6); Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-6 (SCAT6); Child SCAT6; …

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Our Success in Urgent Care is Defined by How We Play Our ‘Greatest Hits’

Our Success in Urgent Care is Defined by How We Play Our ‘Greatest Hits’

Recently one evening, I meandered into a bar on iconic 6th Street in Austin, Texas— America’s epicenter for live music. Venues throughout the district feature free, live performances every night from some of the nation’s most talented musicians. On that particular evening, however, the sounds from one electric guitar coming from a small stage in a dark room cut through the humid air and grabbed my attention. I wandered in, found a seat at the …

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‘What Happens If We Do Nothing?’ Is Still the Right Question

‘What Happens If We Do Nothing?’ Is Still the Right Question

Joshua Russell, MD, MSc, FACEP, FCUCM “It only hurts right here,” Rich told me, pointing to a tender spot on his ribs under near his arm pit. I palpated his chest wall and observed as he winced when I hit the spot. “I just need to make sure I’m okay to go back to work.” Rich was middle-aged and had a mustache with hints of grey. He was a large man, but his potbelly was …

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Charting with Purpose: Precision Strategies for Accurate Coding and Malpractice Defense

Charting with Purpose: Precision Strategies for Accurate Coding and Malpractice Defense

Jeff Willis, MD Urgent Message: A well-told story explaining your thought process during a patient encounter will contain all the elements required for accurate coding. Attorneys are less likely to question care when a logical and complete story is clearly documented. Citation: Willis J. Charting with Purpose: Precision Strategies for Accurate Coding and Malpractice Defense. J Urgent Care Med. 2024; 18(4) 13-16. As a medical legal consultant, I have learned medical malpractice claims are an …

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Quadriceps Pyomyositis After Aspiration of Patellar Bursitis: A Case Report

Quadriceps Pyomyositis After Aspiration of Patellar Bursitis: A Case Report

Urgent Message: Deep tissue infections are possible considerations for diabetic patients presenting to urgent care with muscle tenderness who recently have had joint or bursal aspirations or injections. Citation: Mati M. Quadriceps Pyomyositis After Aspiration of Patellar Bursitis: A Case Report. J Urgent Care Med. 2024;18(4):25-27. Key Words: quadriceps myositis, diabetes, patellar bursitis, infectious disease Abstract Introduction Infectious myositis and pyomyositis are uncommon and therefore easily overlooked with serious potential complications of bursal aspirations. Clinical …

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Does This Finger Laceration Need Immediate Vascular Surgery Consultation? Perspectives Based on an Urgent Care Patient Experience

Does This Finger Laceration Need Immediate Vascular Surgery Consultation? Perspectives Based on an Urgent Care Patient Experience

Patrick O’Malley, MD Urgent Message: Clinicians can apply best-practice care principles for lacerations of the hand in the urgent care setting by gaining a better understanding of the anatomy and wound repair techniques. Such competency can also help reduce non-indicated referrals to the emergency department.   Citation: O’Malley P. Does This Finger Laceration Need Immediate Vascular Surgery Consultation Perspectives Based on an Urgent Care Patient Experience. J Urgent Care Med. 2024;18(4): 28-30 Key words: laceration, …

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The Importance of Providing Clinical History for Radiology Studies in the Urgent Care Setting

The Importance of Providing Clinical History for Radiology Studies in the Urgent Care Setting

Morgan P. McBee, MD, CIIP; Leah S. McBee, MD Urgent Message: Urgent care clinicians need to provide relevant clinical history for radiology orders to ensure that the correct exam gets performed, an accurate ICD-10 code can be assigned for billing, and that radiologists are able to provide high-quality reports that contribute to timely and appropriate patient care in the urgent care setting. Citation: McBee M, McBee  L. The Importance of Providing Clinical History for Radiology …

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18-Year-Old With Painful, Eroded Lesions

18-Year-Old With Painful, Eroded Lesions

An 18-year-old man presented to urgent care with fever, pain in multiple joints, and a back rash that had been progressive for the last few weeks. On examination of the back, there were multiple painful erythematous and violaceous papules and nodules as well as several large pustules. Some of the lesions were eroded and crusted. The patient reported that he recently started an intensive bodybuilding regimen with a 3 month use of anabolic-androgenic steroid/testosterone prior …

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