Join Virtual Discussions About ‘Bounceback!’ Cases

Join Virtual Discussions About ‘Bounceback!’ Cases

One hour of free CME will be offered in the forthcoming Bouncebacks! Book Club virtual discussions. The book series Bouncebacks!—created by The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine’s Senior Clinical Editor Michael Weinstock, MD, and colleagues—takes a fresh approach to the practice of medicine by focusing on “bounce-back” visits with a collection of case reports. The Bouncebacks! series presents the actual documentation of an emergency encounter, analyzes it from a risk-management and patient-safety perspective, then reveals …

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Broader Issues Surround ‘Work Note Seeking’

Broader Issues Surround ‘Work Note Seeking’

Joshua Russell, MD, MSc, FCUCM, FACEP Who among us has worked a single urgent care (UC) shift without at least one patient making a humble request for a sick note to take back to work? “Can I have a work note?” It’s a simple ask. In fact, apart from medication refills, work note visits rank among the most welcomed presentations for many overworked clinicians, offering a much-needed mental reprieve and a chance to finally catch up …

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Real-World Validation of Rapid PCR Strep Testing in Urgent Care

Real-World Validation of Rapid PCR Strep Testing in Urgent Care

Urgent Message: The diagnosis of bacterial pharyngitis is often difficult. Rapid polymerase chain reaction testing has potential to improve diagnostic certainty. Despite high accuracy rates, many urgent care providers continue to seek confirmation by throat culture. Justin Bowles, MD, Supreet Ghumman, MS4 Citation: Bowles J, Ghumman S. Real world validation of rapid PCR strep testing in urgent care. J Urgent Care Med. 2023;18(2):15-21 Key Words: bacterial pharyngitis; PCR testing Abstract Introduction: Point-of-care polymerase chain reaction …

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66-Year-Old With Weakness and Dyspnea

66-Year-Old With Weakness and Dyspnea

A 66-year-old male presents in the urgent care, saying “it’s hard to breathe.” He’s had weakness and dyspnea for one day. The patient has a medical history of diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure. The patient has a pacemaker. An ECG is obtained. View the ECG captured above and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the next page

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Abstracts in Urgent Care November 2023

Abstracts in Urgent Care November 2023

What Should We Do with the Nail? Nailbed Repair in Children Take Home Point: After nail bed repair, discarding the fingernail was associated with similar rates of infection and similar cosmetic outcomes compared to replacement of the fingernail. Citation: Jain A, Grieg A, Jones A, et al. Effectiveness of nail bed repair in children with or without replacing the fingernail: NINJA multicentre randomized clinical trial. BJS, 2023, 110, 432–438 Relevance: Procedures for nail bed …

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Detection and Management of Urinary Calculi in the Urgent Care Setting

Detection and Management of Urinary Calculi in the Urgent Care Setting

Andrew Alaya MD MSc Urgent Message: Abdominal pain is a common urgent care complaint that may result from a variety of benign to life-threatening etiologies, which can pose diagnostic and therapeutic difficulty for the clinician. Ureteral calculi are able to be diagnosed and managed in the urgent care setting. Citation: Alaya A. Detection and Management of Urinary Calculi in the Urgent Care Setting. J Urgent Care Med. 2023;18(2); 31-38 Introduction/Epidemiology Formation of calculi in the …

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Diabetic Ketoacidosis Due to Intra-articular Steroids: A Case Report

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Due to Intra-articular Steroids: A Case Report

Tracey Quail Davidoff, MD, FCUCM Urgent Message: Corticosteroid use is common, and patients receiving corticosteroids of any type are at risk for hyperglycemia and possible ketoacidosis. Citation: Quail Davidoff T. Diabetic Ketoacidosis Due to Intra-articular Steroids: A Case Report. J Urgent Care Med. 2023;18(2):39-40 Key Words: polyuria, polydipsia, glucosuria, ketoacidosis, corticosteroids, intra-articular corticosteroids. Abstract A 63-year-old male presents to urgent care with a self-diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI). The patient had been experiencing urinary …

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What Happens If We Do Nothing?

What Happens If We Do Nothing?

Joshua Russell, MD, MSc, FCUCM, FACEP In its most modern form, medicine revolves around action. We are trained as clinicians to assess, diagnose, and intervene, but it’s the intervention part that patients expect most. This is especially true in urgent care (UC), where patients usually present in anticipation of some swift action for whatever is bothering them. I recently saw a healthy, middle-aged man in our clinic who was complaining of some mild chest pain. …

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