Recently, a New York City intern posted a blog in which she said her experience during the COVID-19 pandemic as left her feeling “so terribly, soul-crushingly helpless.” An article published in Physicians Practice noted that fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and guilt may be common feelings among providers who are overwhelmed with more patients than they can help. The same goes for urgent care providers who are worried about their jobs because their location has seen patient visits crash. Either way, it’s likely someone on your team is struggling with feelings of one kind or another. The Physicians Practice piece suggests that coping could start with recognizing that you’re in distress; practicing mindfulness; identifying the feelings you’re having (anxiety vs fear, for example); focusing on things you can control; and disengaging from social media for a while. In effect, the same strategies that help healthcare professionals prevent and address burnout could be immensely helpful during the current crisis. JUCM has addressed that topic numerous times over the years. Two good examples currently in our archive include Provider Burnout Is Real; Show Compassion For Yourself and Recognizing And Preventing Provider Burnout In Urgent Care.
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COVID-19 Can Push Providers to the Brink of Burnout—How Are Your Coping Skills?