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As many parts of the country approach caseloads and transmission rates similar to what they faced at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, some urgent care centers are likewise returning to emergency procedures they established to help reduce risk for infection of patients and staff. Cook Childrenโ€™s Hospital in the Dallasโ€“Fort Worth area, for one, is closing many of its centers earlier than usual, funneling late-night patients to a single location. Theyโ€™re also keeping patients who only want a COVID-19 test (without seeing a physician) separate from those who want to see a doctor or advanced-practice provider for complaints unrelated to COVID-19. If transmission rates in your area warrant it, consider what solutions you could pursue to lower the chance of your facility becoming a high-risk settingโ€”and ensure your website, social media, and signage make any changes clear to patients.

Here We Go Again: Urgent Care Centers Are Changing Operational Procedures As COVID-19 Cases Mount