Patient experiencing intense pain and redness of skin

Patient experiencing intense pain and redness of skin

This patient presented with a two-hour history of intense pain and redness along the left side of her head and down her left arm. She reported no exposure to unusual foods, plants, or substances, and denied any additional complaints. History and examination reveal no other remarkable findings. View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be.

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56-year-old man experiencing chest pain, fevers and rash

56-year-old man experiencing chest pain, fevers and rash

The patient is a 56-year-old man who emigrated from Mexico to Texas two months ago. He first presented about two weeks ago with a dry cough, chest pain, fevers, and night sweats. Chest x-ray showed a focal consolidation. He had received BCG vaccination as a child, so a PPD was not placed. He was started on isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol for tuberculosis. Now, he presents complaining of the same symptoms, plus a rash that erupted …

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56-year-old woman with swollen, plaque covered leg

56-year-old woman with swollen, plaque covered leg

The patient is an obese 56-year-old woman who presents with unilateral leg swelling. The area has been weeping for days. On examination, you discover a large erythematous, scaly plaque on the right ankle and lower leg. The patient shares with you that five days earlier she was diagnosed by her primary physician with cellulitis and started on “an antibiotic.” There are no other remarkable findings, and she has no fever. View the photo and consider …

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76-year-old woman with sudden ulcers on roof of mouth

76-year-old woman with sudden ulcers on roof of mouth

The patient is a 76-year-old woman with a one-day history of multiple painful ulcers, with general erythema on the mucosa of the left side of the hard palate of her mouth. On examination, you find that they stop at the midline of the palate. There are no other remarkable findings, but upon questioning the patient reveals a three-day history of fevers and general aches. View the photo and consider what your next steps would be.

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23-year-old woman covered in dark, blistering "bruises"

23-year-old woman covered in dark, blistering "bruises"

The patient is a 23-year-old white woman with a medical history significant for asthma as a teenager who presents with “bruising on her legs and belly.” The patient reports that the affected areas became red and started \”stinging\” approximately three weeks ago, accompanied by “some small blisters.” At the time, she attributed the symptoms to sunburn. Gradually, however, the areas evolved into darker \”bruises\” that have now been present for about two weeks. She denies …

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