An 18-Year-Old Male with Chronic Back Pain

An 18-Year-Old Male with Chronic Back Pain

An 18-year-old male visits your urgent care center for the first time, complaining of chronic lower back pain. He offers no explanation of its onset, but reports (upon being asked about his typical activities) that he is a linebacker on his high school football team and a heavyweight on the wrestling team. View the image taken and consider your next steps, along with possible diagnoses.

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A 35-Year-Old Man with Pain After Punching a Wall

A 35-Year-Old Man with Pain After Punching a Wall

A 35-year-old male presents to urgent care complaining of pain over the metacarpal of the little finger after punching a wall in his home for reasons he chose not to explain. On exam, pain is evident with palpation at the base of the metacarpal. You note there is a deformity over the 5th metacarpal bone. The neurovascular status is intact. View the images taken and consider your next steps, along with possible diagnoses.

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A 51-Year-Old Man with Wrist Pain After a Fall

A 51-Year-Old Man with Wrist Pain After a Fall

A 51-year-old male presents to urgent care with wrist pain after stumbling while walking his dog. He recalls landing on his outstretched arm. On exam, there is pain with palpation, and decreased range of motion of the distal wrist. Neurovascular status is intact, and there are no breaks in the skin. View the image taken and consider your next steps, along with possible diagnoses.

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A Middle-Aged Man with Several Weeks of Midfoot Pain

A Middle-Aged Man with Several Weeks of Midfoot Pain

A new patient—a 45-year-old man who says he’s been plagued by midfoot pain for several weeks—presents to your urgent care center. The foot is normal in appearance, but it is evident that the patient has pain palpation over the midfoot. There is no pain with palpation over the plantar aspect. Skin does not show signs of infection. The neurovascular status is intact. View the image taken and consider your next steps, along with possible diagnoses.

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Unexplained Rash in a 3-Year-Old Girl

Unexplained Rash in a 3-Year-Old Girl

A mother brings her 3-year-old daughter to your urgent care center, concerned about a rash that developed at the same time the girl started having a runny nose and low-grade fever, and became slightly lethargic. Now her cheeks are bright red, and she has a blanching macular rash that’s spread slowly from her extremities to her trunk. View the image and consider your next steps, along with possible diagnoses.

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