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Public health officials in the Seattle area are advising local residents of a pediatric case of measles that presented to Franciscan Urgent Care – West Seattle. Because the measles virus can remain in the air for hours, there may be concerns of potential exposure for anyone who was in the center between 3:30PM and 8:00PM on June 10, they say. The most likely time an exposed person might develop symptoms would be between June 17 and July 1, 2024. The child who was later diagnosed with measles was not vaccinated, and the infection was likely associated with travel outside the United States.

Protective measures: Anyone exhibiting potential symptoms who was in the urgent care center was advised to call their provider and discuss possible measles exposure—rather than arriving as a walk-in to an urgent care, emergency department, or other provider setting.

Read More on Measles

Measles Case Presents in Seattle Urgent Care