Despite Demonization, Marketing is an Essential Healthcare Cost—Especially in Urgent Care

Despite Demonization, Marketing is an Essential Healthcare Cost—Especially in Urgent Care

An article just published online by NBC News takes potshots at the cost of healthcare marketing, implying (and outright stating, through “experts” quoted in the piece) that it raises healthcare spending unnecessarily and causes some consumers to fret over diseases they didn’t even know existed. It cites data, published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association, revealing that overall healthcare marketing spending is up to $30 billion a year (nearly twice what it …

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‘Ghosting’ Can Have Dramatic Implications in the Urgent Care Center

‘Ghosting’ Can Have Dramatic Implications in the Urgent Care Center

CNBC, The Washington Post, and LinkedIn have all reported on the growing phenomenon of workers who “ghost” their employers—essentially, leaving their job without providing notice and cutting off all contact with the company without explanation. While the poor ethics and etiquette of that practice are beyond question, there could be serious legal consequences if it happens in the urgent care setting. And it does happen—even among physicians and other clinical staff; some leave at the …

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More on Lies Common in the Healthcare Setting

More on Lies Common in the Healthcare Setting

Just weeks ago, we brought you an exclusive article on How to Deal with a Liar in your urgent care practice. Now comes a post on the website The Hill that looks at lying on a grander scale: The United States healthcare system, in which lies are often generated and promoted in pursuit of short-term financial gain, according to authors Lawton R. burns and Mark V. Pauly. In their opinion piece, the pair reflect on …

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Carefully Consider—and Communicate—Payment Policies

Carefully Consider—and Communicate—Payment Policies

You can save yourself major headaches—and maybe even a lot of bad press—by ensuring the payment terms your urgent care operation accepts are well known to your patients. Ensuring your staff knows how to communicate clearly and compassionately with people who come to your locations for care will go a long way toward keeping the peace even when conflicts occur, too. That message may arrive a little too late for one Massachusetts urgent care center, …

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Facility Fees Are Becoming More Common—But May Also Disappear

Facility Fees Are Becoming More Common—But May Also Disappear

For every independent urgent care operator who claims facility fees give them a competitive edge over their health system counterparts, there’s a hospital-based numbers cruncher licking his lips over the revenue those fees provide. Either way, with more and more hospitals bringing single-location or small-group operations into the fold, patients may start to wonder why the same care provided by the same providers in the same location no longer costs the same. If you’re a …

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Amazon Pilots In-House Clinics for Seattle Employees

Amazon Pilots In-House Clinics for Seattle Employees

We first told you in February that Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase were banding together to use then-unspecified means to put the brakes on high healthcare spending among their collective million-plus workers. They even hired a CEO for the joint healthcare project, still without any public acknowledgment of their plans. The picture is coming into clearer focus today, though, as Amazon is hatching a plan to establish urgent care-like clinics for on-site employees, starting with …

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Amazon May Push Walgreens to Accelerate, Expand UnitedHealth Urgent Care Plans

Amazon May Push Walgreens to Accelerate, Expand UnitedHealth Urgent Care Plans

A new article published online by Forbes suggests that Walgreens, which is working with MedExpress to bring urgent care centers to the retail pharmacy space, may need to consider stepping up those efforts in light of overtures Amazon has made to enter the pharmacy business. So far, Walgreens and MedExpress say they’ve set up shop in 15 U.S. Walgreens locations as something of a “pilot” to see if the idea is fruitful enough to continue …

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Keep an Eye on the Calendar for Cues to Offer Seasonal Promotions

Keep an Eye on the Calendar for Cues to Offer Seasonal Promotions

Most of your urgent care patients—and prospective patients—would never even think of visiting your location unless they really need to see a clinician today and they can’t get in to see their primary care provider. Seasonal promotions can be a great way to change that, though, giving you an opportunity to introduce them to your services at a time they’re not feeling their worst. American Family Care (AFC) is doing just that by offering a …

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Walgreens May Not Need to Buy a Health Plan to Stay Competitive

Walgreens May Not Need to Buy a Health Plan to Stay Competitive

The woods have been thick with mergers joining formerly disparate segments of the healthcare industry, with major drugstore chains and insurers being a prime example. The biggest headlines of that lot followed news of CVS’s plans to by Aetna. Nonetheless, one of CVS’s key competitors is sitting out this growing trend, at least for now. Instead, Walgreens Boots Alliance has chosen to stick closer to its core business by building a close relationship with Prime …

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Keeping Patients ‘In-House’ by Forging New Partnerships

Keeping Patients ‘In-House’ by Forging New Partnerships

Western Connecticut Medical Group (WCMG) and American Family Care (AFC) have entered into a collaborative partnership to provide coordinated patient care—or, put more plainly, to increase the odds of retaining patients who visit AFC’s urgent care locations within a defined follow-up path. The two companies have structured their arrangement so AFC patients who need follow-up will have improved access to primary and specialty care practices within WCMG. Traffic will be two-way, too; WCMG patients who need …

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