Never Mind the Twindemic—It’s the ‘Tripledemic’ We Need to Guard Against

Never Mind the Twindemic—It’s the ‘Tripledemic’ We Need to Guard Against

Mainstream and healthcare media (including JUCM and JUCM News) have been warning for weeks that the United States could be teed up for a twindemic—simultaneous epidemic-level cases of both COVID-19 and influenza—this year. As it turns out, that could be a less-than-worst-case scenario this winter. A report published by The New York Times says it would be prudent to throw respiratory syncytial virus into the mix of things to worry about in the coming months; …

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Be Aware: Flu Activity Is Starting Earlier—and in Different Locales—than Expected

Be Aware: Flu Activity Is Starting Earlier—and in Different Locales—than Expected

As JUCM News readers know, infectious disease and public health experts have been saying for weeks that we could see a severe flu season this year, especially compared to the last few when people wore masks and practiced social distancing due to COVID-19. Data are already proving them out, and the fact that they’re emerging so early in the season is raising red flags. Not only that, but some of the states with the highest …

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CDC Throws Up a Red Flag Over Ebola Concerns

CDC Throws Up a Red Flag Over Ebola Concerns

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an Official Health Advisory to urge U.S. clinicians to include Ebola virus disease (EVD) in their differential diagnoses for patients presenting with fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal symptoms, and unexplained bleeding. The advisory also recommends taking a detailed travel history for such patients. There is an active outbreak occurring within five districts in Uganda, but at present there have been …

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The Evidence Is in: Medications ‘Repurposed’ for COVID-19 Fail to Do the Trick

The Evidence Is in: Medications ‘Repurposed’ for COVID-19 Fail to Do the Trick

Though ivermectin has been the most widely discussed medication purported to help fight or prevent COVID-19, metformin and fluvoxamine have also been put forth by some as candidates to draw the pandemic to a quick close. And each of them has proven to be highly effective within their approved indications. The problem is that none has been helpful in fighting SARS-CoV-2, according to research published by The New England Journal of Medicine. After randomly assigning …

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Update: ‘Twindemic’ Concerns Grow as Flu Cases Start to Amount. Are You Prepared?

Update: ‘Twindemic’ Concerns Grow as Flu Cases Start to Amount. Are You Prepared?

As JUCM readers know, public health officials have expressed concern that the much dreaded—but previously unrealized—simultaneous spike in influenza and SARS-CoV-2 could overwhelm the U.S. healthcare system, kill unknown masses of patients, and pummel the nation’s economy. Unfortunately, fresh insights gleaned from the start of the U.S. flu season are doing nothing assuage those fears. In fact, Vanderbilt infectious disease professor and highly regarded public health expert William Schaffner, MD told NPR just last week, …

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Be Prepared: As Legal Access to Marijuana Grows, so Do Related Patient Visits

Be Prepared: As Legal Access to Marijuana Grows, so Do Related Patient Visits

As the business of selling marijuana has grown from your neighborhood dealer to medical dispensaries and stores licensed to sell weed for recreational uses, emergency rooms have started seeing an increase in patients presenting with cannabis hyperemesis  syndrome (CHS). Symptoms include dehydration, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. An article just published by JAMA Network reveals a connection between the commercialization of the marijuana industry and a 13-fold increase in CHS-related visits to the emergency room …

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As the COVID-19 Pandemic Continues to Fade, Are We About to Face Another?

As the COVID-19 Pandemic Continues to Fade, Are We About to Face Another?

JUCM and JUCM News readers are well aware that the United States has seen a steady increase in the occurrence of sexually transmitted disease for years now. Unfortunately, it appears that the trend will continue for the foreseeable future, leading at least one physician to express concern that we’re in the midst of “pandemic venereal disease.” This is backed up by fresh data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing increases in gonorrhea, …

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We’ve Been Prepping for—and Fearing—a Twindemic for Years. Could Its Time Have Arrived?

We’ve Been Prepping for—and Fearing—a Twindemic for Years. Could Its Time Have Arrived?

Public health advocates have been warning since year 1 of the pandemic that a simultaneous wave of influenza and COVID-19 could have devastating consequences to the U.S. population, healthcare system, and economy. To date, we’ve collectively managed to dodge that bullet. As we approach flu season this year, though, some experts are wondering out loud whether our luck might have run out. That concern is bolstered by the fact that Australia “had a very bad …

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Note: Antibiotic Overprescribing Takes Place Beyond the Ear, Nose, and Throat

Note: Antibiotic Overprescribing Takes Place Beyond the Ear, Nose, and Throat

Typically, on the subject of antibiotic overprescribing, we think of a harried provider being worn down by a patient or parent of a young patient presenting with a sore throat, bad cold, or earache who insists they need an antibiotic even when it’s not indicated. However, a new article published online by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy reveals that approximately 13% of ambulatory care visits for acute gastroenteritis result in an antibiotic …

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That New York Polio Case May Be Just the Tip of the Iceberg

That New York Polio Case May Be Just the Tip of the Iceberg

You probably recall reading in JUCM News that a case of paralytic polio occurred in Rockland County, NY recently. It was such an anomaly that the case also garnered widespread attention among national media. As noted in an article just published by JAMA Network it’s likely, based on analysis of the unvaccinated patient’s genomic sequencing, that the virus had “been circulating under the radar for up to a year,” however. Not long after that highly …

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