That Fourth COVID-19 Shot Could Be a Life-or-Death Proposition—for Some Patients, for a While

That Fourth COVID-19 Shot Could Be a Life-or-Death Proposition—for Some Patients, for a While

News that the Food and Drug Administration authorized a second booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine (a fourth dose, in other words) for immunocompromised individuals and all Americans over 50 years of age did not receive nearly the same celebratory response as earlier announcements of vaccine availability. The prevailing sense among the public, and probably at least a few healthcare professionals, seems to be that whatever degree of protection they already have will suffice. A new …

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Update: The Pendulum Swings Again Regarding Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccine

Update: The Pendulum Swings Again Regarding Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccine

Multiple studies have shown mixed results regarding increased risk for myocarditis in people who’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19. Most recently, JUCM News shared that one study actually did reveal increased incidence of myocarditis among some people who got the COVID-19 shot, but there was insufficient evidence to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. Another month brings yet another study with a new perspective, however. This one, just published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, shows …

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As More Restrictions and Mandates Relax, Another COVID-19 Variant Rears Its Head

As More Restrictions and Mandates Relax, Another COVID-19 Variant Rears Its Head

Mask mandates continue to fall by the wayside across industries and states in the U.S., simultaneous with an uptick in the number of COVID-19 infections—led by the BA.2 variant at this point, but also fueled by yet another new variant being called BA.2.12.1. The New York State Department of Health, for one, has blamed BA.2.12.1 for a recent spike upstate. Public health officials there estimate that the latest version of the virus is up to …

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COVID-19 Reverses Trend (Again) with Rising Cases and Hospitalizations

COVID-19 Reverses Trend (Again) with Rising Cases and Hospitalizations

After weeks (or months, in some states) of declines in COVID-19 caseloads and related hospitalizations and deaths, more than half of U.S. states reported an increase in the number of infected residents, with hospitalizations following suit in 10 states according to data collected by The New York Times. Cases are up 10% nationally over the past 2 weeks. In spite of that, however, hospitalizations are down nationally by 17% and there has been no increase …

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The Toll of COVID-19 Keeps Getting More Complicated—Including New Insights on Diabetes

The Toll of COVID-19 Keeps Getting More Complicated—Including New Insights on Diabetes

Cause-and-effect may be unclear at this point, but an article just published by The New York Times makes it very clear that people with diabetes are more likely than many others to experience serious consequences with COVID-19. While, again, cause-and-effect has not been established, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that deaths from diabetes-related causes rose 15% in 2020, during the peak of the pandemic in the U.S. And the Times piece …

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Norovirus Seems to Have Taken a Break During the Pandemic. Unfortunately, Break’s Over

Norovirus Seems to Have Taken a Break During the Pandemic. Unfortunately, Break’s Over

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that cases of norovirus are showing a dramatic resurgence after relatively low incidence in recent years, coinciding with the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since August 2021, the CDC reported 448 outbreaks of norovirus, compared with 78 over the same period for the previous year. According to a report by NBC News, the timing was suspicious enough for health officials to look at whether …

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Update: CDC Data Amplify the Need for Further Immunization to Stave Off COVID-19 Surges

Update: CDC Data Amplify the Need for Further Immunization to Stave Off COVID-19 Surges

On the heels of news that the Food and Drug Administration had authorized a second booster for many individuals vaccinated against COVID-19, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that patients who got the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine would be well advised to get a booster with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration had just authorized a second vaccine boost for specific groups of Americans, based …

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Different Study, Same Results: Ivermectin Is Not Helpful in Treating COVID-19

Different Study, Same Results: Ivermectin Is Not Helpful in Treating COVID-19

Whether it’s been suspect science, desperation borne of fear, or even devotion to a popular  podcaster, many patients across the U.S. have clamored for the federal government, payers, and clinicians to adopt ivermectin as a go-to therapeutic agent to treat COVID-19. When even the physician who started the fervor with a small nonscientific study ultimately disavowed his own findings, conspiracy theorists continued to tout the narrative that dark forces were withholding the one true solution …

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The Calendar Says Peak Flu Season Is Over. The Data Say Otherwise

The Calendar Says Peak Flu Season Is Over. The Data Say Otherwise

On paper, at this time of year, we expect to see incidence of seasonal influenza declining steadily from its December–February peak in the United States. Instead, however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that flu activity is actually increasing across most of the country. This reverses a decline from mid-December through January. As recently as March 12 of this year, nearly 7% of all respiratory specimens tested at clinical labs turned up positive …

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With Authorization of a Second COVID-19 Booster for Some, ‘Fully Vaccinated’ May Have a New Definition

With Authorization of a Second COVID-19 Booster for Some, ‘Fully Vaccinated’ May Have a New Definition

With COVID-19 ebbing and flowing throughout the world, including the United States, healthcare organizations continue striving to stay ahead of the next variant and potential for another surge. To that end, the Food and Drug Administration has amended its emergency use authorization to authorize a second booster dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for individuals age 50 and older at least 4 months after receiving their first booster dose, as well as …

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