Skip the Chatter and Focus on the Research When It Comes to Ivermectin

Skip the Chatter and Focus on the Research When It Comes to Ivermectin

From Facebook rants to podcasts hosts to outlier physicians, there is a vocal minority of Americans who believe that ivermectin is a viable and underutilized therapy for patients with COVID-19. As is most often the case, that does not necessarily reflect the best evidence-based practice. JAMA Internal Medicine just published an article that could be helpful in separating fact from misinformation and disinformation. The study on which the article was based randomized subjects to receive …

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Lower Temperatures Mean Higher Incidence of Slip-and-Fall Injuries. Are Your Prepared?

Lower Temperatures Mean Higher Incidence of Slip-and-Fall Injuries. Are Your Prepared?

With the mainstream (and medical) media focus on the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be easy to overlook the fact that everyday illness and injuries still occur. With most of the country experiencing winter temperatures, for example, that may be especially true of cold weather-related complaints right now. As noted in a report aired on KSDK TV in Missouri, urgent care will likely be the right setting for many such patients. That story featured quotes from …

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Be Alert for Patients at Risk for Ischemic Stroke; COVID Infection Could Put Them Over the Top

Be Alert for Patients at Risk for Ischemic Stroke; COVID Infection Could Put Them Over the Top

Respiratory sequelae may not be the only (or even the most dangerous) consequence of COVID-19 infection in patients with hypertension, atrial fibrillation, or any condition that puts them at elevated risk for ischemic stroke. According to data presented at the International Stroke Conference in New Orleans, as reported by Medscape, that risk is “significantly elevated” in the 3 days immediately following infection. The data were drawn from assessment of the cases of more than 19,000 …

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CDC: Waning Immunity After a COVID-19 Booster Is Only a Matter of Months

CDC: Waning Immunity After a COVID-19 Booster Is Only a Matter of Months

Patients who receive a COVID-19 booster shot after having completed the first one- or two-dose regimen of the vaccine have roughly 4 months before protection from that shot starts to wane, according to the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The latest COVID-19 information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An Early Release article published by Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report notes specifically that “Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against COVID-19–associated …

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The Omicron Paradox: Milder but at the Same Time More Deadly?

The Omicron Paradox: Milder but at the Same Time More Deadly?

Both anecdotal and research-based evidence has indicated that the Omicron variant of COVID-19, while more transmissible, is less likely to lead to hospitalization and death. As time goes on and real-world data accumulate, though, it appears the picture is more complicated. An article published in The Washington Post notes that the number of daily deaths has risen to a level higher than it was last spring when the Delta variant dominated. The hardest-hit populations have …

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COVID-19 Patients Fresh Out of the Hospital May Not Be Out of Danger

COVID-19 Patients Fresh Out of the Hospital May Not Be Out of Danger

The general public’s concerns about patients with COVID-19 tend to focus on the respiratory effects of the virus. Thrombotic events can endanger patients during and after related hospitalization, however, indicating that urgent care providers need to be aware of and vigilant for signs that recently discharged patients could fall prey to venous thromboembolism and other events. According to an article just published by The Lancet, patients who received rivaroxaban 10 mg/day for 35 days experienced …

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If You Think Patients Should Be Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, You Have to Tell Them

If You Think Patients Should Be Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, You Have to Tell Them

In spite of major public information campaigns on the safety and lifesaving capability of the COVID-19 vaccines, only around half of American are fully vaccinated (meaning they’ve received the full complement of a one- or two-dose vaccine and a booster shot). And only 80% have gotten their standard doses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, getting at least some more patients to comply with vaccination guidelines may take something quite simple: …

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Patients Are Still Dying from COVID-19—and Most of Them Have Something in Common

Patients Are Still Dying from COVID-19—and Most of Them Have Something in Common

In spite of significant advances in many aspects of the medical community’s approach to COVID-19, patients continue to be hospitalized and die from the virus. In the vast majority of cases, though, the literal difference between life and death appears to come down to one factor that is under the patient’s control: immunization. In her latest press briefing, Rochelle Walensky, MD, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, revealed that Americans who are …

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Warning: Omicron BA.2 May Be the Most Transmissible Variant Yet

Warning: Omicron BA.2 May Be the Most Transmissible Variant Yet

Any notions that the declining case load indicates we’re nearly out of the COVID-19 woods should be dispelled with news that the BA.2 sublineage of the Omicron variant may be the most transmissible yet. An article published by MedPage Today, drawn from multiple sources in the United States and the United Kingdom, revealed that cases related to BA.2 were doubling every 4 days, with a 120% “growth advantage” over the original version of Omicron—which at …

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New Data Point to an Ongoing Need to Drive COVID-19 Booster Shots

New Data Point to an Ongoing Need to Drive COVID-19 Booster Shots

New cases of COVID-19 are falling across the U.S. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and reports from multiple state health departments. The same is holding true for hospitalization rates—with the exception of the unvaccinated. This has proven to be especially true during the Omicron surge, according to new data from the CDC. In fact, being fully vaccinated (including both the initial vaccine dosage and a booster shot) has been found to …

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