Buckle Up—At Least One Forecasting Model Says We’re in for an Even Rougher Patch with COVID-19

Buckle Up—At Least One Forecasting Model Says We’re in for an Even Rougher Patch with COVID-19

With increasing spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant, some states have already upgraded their pandemic status (New Jersey, for example, just went from yellow [moderate] to orange [high]). That doesn’t bode well for the future, given predictions from the PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia that the entire country will see a dramatic jump in new cases over the next 4 weeks. A ripple effect that began with travel and gatherings over Thanksgiving weekend is …

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An Alternate Route to Ruling Out Pulmonary Embolism—But Is It Safe?

An Alternate Route to Ruling Out Pulmonary Embolism—But Is It Safe?

Multiple tools to detect pulmonary embolism are at the urgent care provider’s disposal. And yet, misses happen. The Journal of the American Medical Association just published an article on research that tested an alternate method to detect PE, combining the YEARS rule with age-adjusted D-dimer threshold—and the authors concluded that this method “did not lead to an inferior rate of thromboembolic events compared with a conventional diagnostic strategy.” The cluster-randomized crossover noninferiority study focused on …

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Follow-Up: Several Factors Are at the Root of Flu Uptick—and the Key Culprit Is Controllable

Follow-Up: Several Factors Are at the Root of Flu Uptick—and the Key Culprit Is Controllable

As JUCM News has reported, rates of influenza are increasing across the United States and across age groups at a very precarious time, with rates of COVID-19 also on the rise. The passage of another week brings more of the same, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as regional and national media, are reporting that the climb continues but also sharing insights as to what’s fueling it. One of key culprits …

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Two-Dose Vaccines Aren’t Enough to Protect Against Omicron. Could More Boosters Turn the Tide?

Two-Dose Vaccines Aren’t Enough to Protect Against Omicron. Could More Boosters Turn the Tide?

New data out of the United Kingdom confirm what has been presumed (and been concerning): The two-dose regimen of vaccination against COVID-19 is insufficient to protect against the Omicron variant. This isn’t surprising, given the fact that so many people are vaccinated but cases are climbing around the world, including in the United States. However, the University of Oxford researchers did not find evidence that infection with Omicron led to increased risk for severe disease, …

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We Can’t Afford to Forget: COVID-19 Isn’t the Only Deadly Virus to Worry About

We Can’t Afford to Forget: COVID-19 Isn’t the Only Deadly Virus to Worry About

The success of vaccinations against much older viruses has been part of the rallying cry for people trying to convince others that it is not only wise, but the responsible thing to do to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Unfortunately, we collectively seem to have forgotten that we can’t afford to let vigilance lapse once we think we’ve tamed a virus. We could be at a precarious point with measles right now, for example. The past …

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Watch Out: After a Slow Start, Flu Activity Is Picking Up—Just in Time for the Omicron Variant

Watch Out: After a Slow Start, Flu Activity Is Picking Up—Just in Time for the Omicron Variant

A year ago at this time, fear was high that the United States would be hit with a “twindemic” of influenza and COVID-19. It never materialized, largely due to the fact that measures taken to protect ourselves from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (social distancing, frequent handwashing, wearing a face cover, etc.) had the unintended benefit of keeping flu activity low. This year, however, with many people vaccinated against COVID-19 and letting other measures slide, we might …

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Warn Unvaccinated Patients: Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases Are Increasing, but Are Far Less Deadly

Warn Unvaccinated Patients: Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases Are Increasing, but Are Far Less Deadly

Too many patients are telling the media that they refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19 because “it doesn’t work,” pointing to the growing number of breakthrough cases as justification. While it’s true that the number of confirmed cases in patients who are fully vaccinated continues to increase (and is likely to grow more steeply now that the Omicron variant is spreading around the globe), the associated death rate is simply not keeping pace. In fact, …

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With the Omicron Variant Already Here, Get Ready for Another Onslaught of COVID-19 Cases

With the Omicron Variant Already Here, Get Ready for Another Onslaught of COVID-19 Cases

Just a week after news of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in South Africa and other African first emerged, cases were confirmed in a growing number of other countries around the world—including, most recently, the United States. At this point no deaths attributed to Omicron have been reported, but the fact that it is heavily mutated means widespread infection is likely, with “severe consequences” according to the World Health Organization. While several countries are imposing …

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Just When You Thought You Had Your Pandemic Processes Down, Here Comes the Omicron Variant

Just When You Thought You Had Your Pandemic Processes Down, Here Comes the Omicron Variant

As of this writing, the United States has just confirmed its first case of COVID-19 attributed to the Omicron variant. Seeing how there was a time when we were saying the same thing about the SARS-CoV-2 virus in general—and then the Delta variant—let’s assume many more are on the horizon. The World Health Organization has called it a “variant of concern,” at least partly due to the fact that it has a higher number of …

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The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Exacerbated the Opioid Epidemic—and It’s About to Get Worse

The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Exacerbated the Opioid Epidemic—and It’s About to Get Worse

Well before the COVID-19 virus reached pandemic proportions, opioid abuse and related overdoses and deaths had been declared an epidemic in the United States. However, thanks to factors such as social isolation, economic instability, fear over disease, and reduced access to health resources, drug overdoses have reached historic levels over the past 2 years—to the point that more than 100,000 Americans died of overdoses over the 12-month period ending in April 2021, according to the …

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