Be Vigilant for Breakthrough COVID-19 in Vaccinated Individuals

Be Vigilant for Breakthrough COVID-19 in Vaccinated Individuals

As we’ve reported, there seems to be confusion among the public regarding when it’s relatively safe to interact with others after being vaccinated against COVID-19. The consensus among public health officials has been that the vaccine reaches optimal protection against the virus 14 days after administration. However, recently there have been reports of breakthrough cases occurring beyond that window. While patients who’ve tested positive more than 2 weeks after getting the vaccine have been asymptomatic, …

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Could Urgent Care Fill a Critical Void as a One-Stop Shop for COVID-19 Testing, Vaccination, and Treatment?

Could Urgent Care Fill a Critical Void as a One-Stop Shop for COVID-19 Testing, Vaccination, and Treatment?

At a couple of points over the past year as the country (and the world) struggled with the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been brief moments of triumph. One was when tests became widely available. Another was when the first vaccines were approved. Those moments were also marked with the disappointment that urgent care was not looked at as part of the solution, in either case. Now that urgent care centers are, for the most part, …

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New Data on COVID-19 Vaccine After-Effects—What’s Expected, and What’s Cause for Concern

New Data on COVID-19 Vaccine After-Effects—What’s Expected, and What’s Cause for Concern

As more Americans get the COVID-19 vaccine, there’s a growing body of data on what after-effects patients are likely to experience—some of which may be so concerning to them that they visit your urgent care center. Recognizing those concerns, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published patient-friendly guidance on what can be expected post-shot, as well as self-care recommendations and advice on when it makes sense to see a healthcare provider. Pain, redness, …

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If You Don’t Know the Four Conditions Responsible for Most COVID-19 Admissions, You Should

If You Don’t Know the Four Conditions Responsible for Most COVID-19 Admissions, You Should

Even though the increasing number of approved vaccines is grabbing the headlines these days, the hard truth is that millions of Americans continue to become infected with the COVID-19 virus. An unacceptably high number of those patients require a stay in the hospital, where the risk of mortality is still relatively high compared with patients who do not need to be admitted. Thankfully, new research continues to shed light on which patients are at the …

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Patients Are Confused Over What’s ‘OK’ After the COVID-19 Shot. Set Them Straight

Patients Are Confused Over What’s ‘OK’ After the COVID-19 Shot. Set Them Straight

With more American receiving the COVID-19 vaccine every day, confusion is bubbling up over what “safe behavior” means post-shot. Are masks still advised? What about social distancing and quarantine procedures? Recognizing the potential for misinformation to cause a setback in our fight against the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidance on appropriate safety standards for people who have been vaccinated and those around them. Among the highlights are the revelation …

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Don’t Overlook Recent Tattoos as a Possible Cause for Hard-to-Explain Symptoms

Don’t Overlook Recent Tattoos as a Possible Cause for Hard-to-Explain Symptoms

Television station WRIC in Virginia ran a story recently about a woman who visited a local urgent care center as well as the emergency room after awaking one morning with eye pain and vision disturbances (including total vision loss in one eye). Various providers in both settings were stumped after ruling out conditions ranging from severe conjunctivitis to an unknown foreign body. After weeks of running from one doctor to the next, an optometrist suggested …

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Will Better Weather Spark the Perfect Storm for a COVID-19 Surge?

Will Better Weather Spark the Perfect Storm for a COVID-19 Surge?

Every year at this time, much of the country starts to shake off the winter doldrums. The days are longer, the temperature starts creeping up, and there’s a sense of renewal. People just can’t wait to say goodbye to winter and to being stuck inside. This year, of course, that urge may be particularly strong. The fatigue of social distancing restrictions that have kept us from even the lower intensity interactions could be a serious …

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More Ammo in Fighting COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

More Ammo in Fighting COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

As of this writing, more than 57 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been distributed across the United States. Roughly 16 million people have been vaccinated, with many more to follow. Unfortunately, around one-third of Americans don’t plan to be among them, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On the assumption that vaccination providers will come to include more urgent care centers, it’s essential that you have solid information to …

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Patients May Still Be Presenting with Effects of COVID-19 Six Months After Infection

Patients May Still Be Presenting with Effects of COVID-19 Six Months After Infection

There seems to be confusion among the public as to how COVID-19 affects infected individuals. While headlines noting that the U.S. recently passed the half-million mark in related deaths are hard to ignore, too many people are under the impression that the virus leads to one of two wildly diverse outcomes: it’s either deadly or “no big deal.” That couldn’t be further from the truth, however, as new data published in JAMA Network Open indicate …

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Finally, More Data on How Long Kids Should Be Quarantined After a COVID-19 Contact

Finally, More Data on How Long Kids Should Be Quarantined After a COVID-19 Contact

Federal health agencies insisted in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic that a 14-day quarantine was prudent for anyone who had contact with an individual who tested positive for the virus. Local health agencies and school systems followed suit. Since then, the general belief has been that a shorter period is adequate, easing the pressure associated with disengaging from even distanced activities or hybrid learning. An article just published by JAMA Network supports the …

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