Patients Want to Know When They Can Get the COVID-19 Vaccine—but the Answer Is Complicated

Patients Want to Know When They Can Get the COVID-19 Vaccine—but the Answer Is Complicated

Readers of mainstream media reports on availability of the COVID-19 vaccine are likely to be confused as to when they themselves will be eligible to get the shot. Where the Boston Herald just reported that the general population might be eligible for immunization “by February,” Forbes posted an article saying that a quarter of the world’s population won’t be able to get the vaccine until 2022. They’re both likely to be correct. The Herald’s source …

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Update: CDC Clears More Groups to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine

Update: CDC Clears More Groups to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine

With coronavirus vaccinations now being administered to the first round of recipients, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just issued a new advisory specifying groups who are deemed to be “safe” to receive the vaccine. Specifically, the CDC advises that adults with underlying health conditions and autoimmune conditions, as well as those with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome and Bell’s palsy can be immunized. Last week, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted …

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Be Vigilant for COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer; They’re at Greater Risk for Infection and Severe Disease

Be Vigilant for COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer; They’re at Greater Risk for Infection and Severe Disease

We know that immunocompromised patients are at increased risk for all manner of infection, including COVID-19. We also know that patients with cancer fall under that broad umbrella. However, new research indicates that cancer patients, specifically, are at greater risk for infection and subsequent mortality due to the virus. This phenomenon seems to be especially prevalent in those recently diagnosed with leukemia, lung cancer, and non–Hodgkin lymphoma, according to a study just published in JAMA …

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Warn Patients with COVID-19: They Could Be in for a Longer Haul Than They Think

Warn Patients with COVID-19: They Could Be in for a Longer Haul Than They Think

Some corners of the public seem to have fallen back into the notion that, while patients with comorbid conditions are at higher risk, a case of COVID-19 is not that different from a bad case of influenza—you feel bad for a week or two and then you’re back on your feet. New data published in the Annals of Internal Medicine should help you disavow them of that misconception, however. An article there indicates that up …

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Be Alert for Patients Back from the UK—a New Coronavirus Variant There Could Be Worse Than the Existing One

Be Alert for Patients Back from the UK—a New Coronavirus Variant There Could Be Worse Than the Existing One

The United States is already grappling with a deadly resurgence of the COVID-19 virus, but news from the United Kingdom indicates we could see a dire situation turn even worse if we’re not careful. The government there, perhaps wary of repeating mistakes that allowed the virus to run rampant last spring, has already implemented a partial shutdown of nonessential businesses and services in order to discourage widespread contact among the public. This is not “just” …

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Update: More COVID-19 Self Tests Hit the Market—Including an OTC Version

Update: More COVID-19 Self Tests Hit the Market—Including an OTC Version

A pair of new COVID-19 self-test kits received approval from the Food and Drug Administration this week. The biggest—and possibly most concerning—difference between the two is that one is available without a prescription. The first, BinaxNOW from Abbott, was already approved for, and being administered by, healthcare professionals. Now, however, patients who want to be tested can log on to an Abbott app with their smartphone to be connected to a healthcare provider at eMed. …

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Update: CDC Clarifies Its Stance on Risk of Anaphylaxis with the COVID-19 Vaccine

Update: CDC Clarifies Its Stance on Risk of Anaphylaxis with the COVID-19 Vaccine

Media coverage of two British healthcare workers who experienced anaphylaxis after receiving the Pfizer/BioNT version of the COVID-19 vaccine last week led to widespread presumption that the vaccine should not be given to patients with a history of allergic reactions to vaccinations. In an effort to dispel that notion, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an announcement stating that the vaccine is believed to be safe for use in all patients, but that …

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Urgent Care Patients with Kidney Disease and COVID-19 Could Be in for a Tough Time

Urgent Care Patients with Kidney Disease and COVID-19 Could Be in for a Tough Time

Obesity, hypertension, lung ailments, and any number of conditions have been linked to increased risk for complications in patients with COVID-19. While chronic kidney disease has not often gotten much attention, a new study published by PLOS ON indicates that CKD could actually be the leading risk factor for hospitalization in infected patients. The paper reflects analysis of the electronic health records of 12,971 individuals, 1,604 of whom had CKD; of those, 354 (22%) required …

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CUCM Advises Close Scrutiny to the Reassessment of the COVID-19 Quarantine Period

CUCM Advises Close Scrutiny to the Reassessment of the COVID-19 Quarantine Period

Readers of JUCM News know the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shortened the amount of time it recommends quarantining for certain people with, or who have been exposed to, COVID-19. Now the College of Urgent Care Medicine is advising urgent care providers to read the proverbial fine print in that guidance. The CUCM stresses that the CDC statement offers “acceptable alternatives” to the quarantine periods, in spite of the fact that multiple media reports …

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Be Alert: Thromboembolism Raises Risk for Mortality with COVID-19

Be Alert: Thromboembolism Raises Risk for Mortality with COVID-19

The first evidence that rates of venous and arterial thromboembolism are high in patients with COVID-19 has arrived, in the form of an article just published in The Lancet’s online journal EClinicalMedicine. The meta-analysis of 42 studies involving 8,271 patients notes that rates range anywhere from 20% to 70% among patients who have been diagnosed with the virus. Overall mortality rate among patients with COVID-19 and thromboembolism was 23%, vs 13% without thromboembolism. The authors concluded …

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