Provider burnout is probably most associated with having too many clinical responsibilities competing for your attention, combined with the ever-present threat of oversights and errors that could harm a patient and ultimately decimate your practice. And while that’s all a significant part of the mix, the COVID-19 pandemic raised the specter that burnout can result from being underactive, as well, according to an article from the American Medical Association. That observation came from Shawn C. …
Read MoreMost Nurses Plan to Leave Their Hospital Jobs in the Next Year. Might Urgent Care Be Their Next Stop?
If the results of a survey from AMN Healthcare are correct, most nurses currently employed in the hospital setting will be doing something else, or at least nursing somewhere else, within the next year. Of the 18,000 nurses who participated in the research, only 15% said they expect to “continue working as I am” in a year. Much of the blame is being placed on the COVID-19 pandemic; 18% of participants said they’re likely to …
Read MoreUrgent Care Is Finally Getting Noticed for More Than Excellent Care These Days
It took much longer than it should have, but after decades of proving its case urgent care is widely accepted as not only an efficient setting, but also a destination of choice for anyone looking for excellent care. Likewise, the business community is finally picking up on the fact that urgent care companies are substantial players in the healthcare marketplace and as employers. Most recently, as reported by Becker’ Hospital Review, LinkedIn’s Top Companies 2023: …
Read MoreMental Health UCCs Were Supposed to Ease the Burden on Emergency Rooms. Do They?
With a shortage of mental health professionals leaving too many patients without resources when they desperately need them, emergency rooms have been seeing far more patients presenting in emotional distress than ever. As JUCM News readers may recall, a smattering of urgent care centers and mental health providers have sought to help ease that burden by establishing UCCs dedicated to patients’ behavioral health. According to an article published by Cambridge Day in Massachusetts, though, Community …
Read MoreRecognize the Weight Your Words Carry; Patients Trust You More Than They Do the CDC
It’s unlikely a patient would think to tell you this directly, but new research published by the journal Health Affairs shows that in the COVID-19 era physicians and nurses are more trusted for health information than federal, state, and local health agencies. While 37% of 4,208 participants in a telephone survey said they trust the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide solid information, 54% said they trust physicians “a great deal” while 48% …
Read MoreUrgent Care Boomed at the Expense of Telehealth and the ED from 2020 to 2021
You might assume that utilization of telehealth continued what had been steady growth in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. You’d be mistaken, however. In fact, telehealth claim lines actually plummeted by 76% from 2020 to 2021, according to the FH Healthcare Indicators and FH Medical Price Index 2023 report. At the same time, it goes on to say, urgent care claim lines jumped 14% while ambulatory surgical centers dropped 7% and emergency room …
Read MoreThe Provider Shortage May Be Both a Curse and a Blessing for Urgent Care
The evolving shortage of primary care providers is a challenge for urgent care operators in the United States, no doubt, but it is also showing to be the catalyst for additional growth within the industry, if the conclusions of a new study from FAIR Health are to be believed. Conversely, the ongoing success of urgent care may also be making it harder for primary care practices to maintain healthy clinical staffing levels. The report notes …
Read MoreYoung Physicians May Be Losing Interest in Emergency Medicine. Is This an Opportunity for UC?
This year has seen record low interest in emergency medicine residency positions, with 555 unmatched positions (compared with 219 in 2022), according to an article published by MedPage Today. It’s not a sudden trend, either; between 2021 and 2022, applications to EM residencies dropped 16.8%. While the American College of Emergency Physicians is reportedly putting together a task force to grasp the reason for the decline (and to figure out a way to reverse it), …
Read MoreThe COVID Emergency Declarations Are Ending. What Does That Mean for Urgent Care?
While the general public might think of the federal government’s action to try to contain the COVID-19 pandemic to be a single, monolithic Federal Health Emergency, the facts are much more nuanced, with an array of implications for urgent care (and every distinct healthcare setting). With the exception of certain states that are seeing increases, in general caseloads, hospitalizations, and deaths related to COVID are down in the United States and the government is starting …
Read MoreCould the Postpandemic Era Mark the Right Time for Behavioral Health Urgent Care?
With increasing rates of depression and anxiety attributed to life changes over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic coinciding with (or perhaps causing) increased delays in seeing mental health professionals, it seems clear new solutions are needed in the behavioral health setting. With the traditional urgent care model now proven as an alternative to both primary care and the emergency room for most complaints, efforts are afoot to establish a new variety of urgent care …
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