The Pandemic Rebound Is Real—Though the Extent Varies by Payer

The Pandemic Rebound Is Real—Though the Extent Varies by Payer

We don’t need to tell you how badly patient volumes suffered for a good stretch of the pandemic. Patients stayed away not just from urgent care centers, but all ambulatory care settings. The advent of vaccines and wider availability of testing supplies started to right the ship, but concerns have remained that “normal” visits—those for complaints unrelated to COVID-19—might take a while to return to pre-pandemic levels. An article just published by the Journal of …

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Health Officials Are Looking to Urgent Care to Bail Out Saturated EDs. Can You?

Health Officials Are Looking to Urgent Care to Bail Out Saturated EDs. Can You?

Urgent care as an industry is in a precarious position as the COVID-19 pandemic surge rages on. Driven by the most transmissible variant to date, multiple states and major cities are grappling with their largest caseloads yet. Overcrowding in emergency rooms is so bad that hospital administrators and public health officials from Philadelphia to Iowa are recommending that patients stay away from the ED if at all possible and opt to visit their closest urgent …

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Urgent Care Will Have to Get Creative to Solve Staffing and Pandemic Crises. Are You Up to It?

Urgent Care Will Have to Get Creative to Solve Staffing and Pandemic Crises. Are You Up to It?

With the last days of 2021 winding down, some parts of the country are as deeply embedded in the COVID-19 pandemic as they’ve ever been. In New York City, urgent care centers are seeing up to five times their normal volume while at the same time grappling with staffing shortages (which are at least partially due to the virus to begin with). Patients need care for all the “normal” urgent care complaints while locations are …

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Pandemic Challenges Can Be Met—and Overcome. Here’s the Evidence

Pandemic Challenges Can Be Met—and Overcome. Here’s the Evidence

We’re all aware that it can be difficult for some regions of the United States to attract enough top-tier providers to meet the needs of smaller communities. JUCM has been covering this issue for years, in fact (see Rural and Tertiary Markets: The Next Urgent Care Frontier). And that’s during “normal” times. Lack of access, sometimes poor healthcare literacy, and the politicization of COVID-19 has put an inordinate amount of additional stress on rural health …

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Research into Preventing and Treating COVID-19 Continues—and Urgent Care Has a Seat at the Table

Research into Preventing and Treating COVID-19 Continues—and Urgent Care Has a Seat at the Table

Urgent care was notoriously overlooked as a key contributor early in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, first as a testing resource and then as a powerful partner in vaccination campaigns. At least one urgent care company is ensuring that the industry will be represented in research into not only preventing the virus, but also establishing definitive treatments for ill patients. Houston-based Next Level Urgent Care says it is launching three clinical trials to evaluate …

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How Bad Is the COVID-19 Surge? Hospitals Are Suggesting Patients Visit Urgent Care Instead of the ED

How Bad Is the COVID-19 Surge? Hospitals Are Suggesting Patients Visit Urgent Care Instead of the ED

With hospitalizations for COVID-19 at their highest point since January of this year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID data tracker, some hospital systems are putting out the word that urgent care centers may be the best option for nonemergent complaints. WVU Medicine in West Virginia, for one, went to the local media to announce that patients with complaints like ear or throat pain, abdominal complaints and other similar issues should …

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After Riding the Bench Early on, Urgent Care Has Performed Like an All-Star During the Pandemic

After Riding the Bench Early on, Urgent Care Has Performed Like an All-Star During the Pandemic

Urgent care operators stood ready to pitch in as COVID-19 ravaged states throughout the U.S. early in the pandemic—but were largely unable to do so thanks to mystifying decisions on where testing supplies and the like would be allocated. According to research conducted by Experity, however, that changed in a big way in 2020, when urgent care visits jumped 58%. In fact, as Experity CEO David Stern, MD, CPC explained to Healthcare IT News, urgent …

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Independent Physicians, Once the Backbone of Urgent Care, Are Now a Dwindling Minority

Independent Physicians, Once the Backbone of Urgent Care, Are Now a Dwindling Minority

In urgent care’s infancy, the stereotypical operator was an independent (some might even say maverick) physician who was dissatisfied with the traditional way of practicing medicine. Not seeing acceptable alternatives, he or she might get some resources together and open their own urgent care center, essentially becoming owner-operators. Over the years, however, as JUCM readers know, hospital systems and venture capitalists recognized they were missing out on a good thing and started buying or launching …

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UCA Reminds Medical Societies: Urgent Care Is Fully Up to the Task at Hand

UCA Reminds Medical Societies: Urgent Care Is Fully Up to the Task at Hand

The American Hospital Association, the American College of Emergency Physicians, and the American Medical Association recently threw some serious shade at the urgent care industry. The AHA and ACEP took aim at UnitedHealthcare’s plans to review all emergency room visits among its members to assess whether they were “real” emergencies or not, and to force patients to foot the bill if it’s determined that a visit to the ED was actually nonemergent. The problem is, …

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Does More Work for Pharmacists Equate to Less Safety for Urgent Care Patients?

Does More Work for Pharmacists Equate to Less Safety for Urgent Care Patients?

The retail drugstore industry has worked hard to market itself as a one-stop destination for their customers’ healthcare needs, offering everything from strep tests to flu shots just steps away from the magazine rack and the candy aisle. Needless to say, they leave out the part about urgent care centers offering the same services in addition to x-rays, sutures, and many other, higher-acuity services in a purely clinical setting. This is not to say that …

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