In Spite of Pandemic-Related Challenges, Urgent Care Patient Volume Continues to Grow—and Centers Are Ready to Pitch in on Vaccinations

In Spite of Pandemic-Related Challenges, Urgent Care Patient Volume Continues to Grow—and Centers Are Ready to Pitch in on Vaccinations

For months, the Urgent Care Association has been asking its constituency to take part in surveys designed to take the industry’s temperature on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Responses to the most recent queries show that UCA member organizations are still seeing patient volumes grow—albeit slowly this month (1%)—as they recover from setbacks early in the pandemic. Perhaps more importantly, the majority are looking ahead and planning to participate in immunization programs once a …

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Could COVID-19 Actually Be Driving Patients to Urgent Care? Some PCPs Seem to Think So

Could COVID-19 Actually Be Driving Patients to Urgent Care? Some PCPs Seem to Think So

We all know urgent care took some hard knocks at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lack of testing supplies and patient fear added up to a serious drop in patient visits. What might not be so obvious is that other practice settings may have it even worse. A news report that aired on WTKR television in coastal Virginia/northeastern North Carolina recently revealed that some primary care practices perceive that they’re losing patients to urgent …

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Could More Opportunities for Urgent Care Partnerships Be a Silver Lining in the Pandemic?

Could More Opportunities for Urgent Care Partnerships Be a Silver Lining in the Pandemic?

Urgent care is coming back strong after initial setbacks at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. First, tests were in short supply. Then patients were afraid of visiting healthcare facilities in general unless it was a dire emergency, over concerns that they could get infected there. Visits plummeted. At the same time, of course, the retail business has been sustaining unprecedented economic damage. They’re rebounding, too, albeit more slowly than urgent care. Now the industries …

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Urgent Care Is Making Air Travel Safer—and the Country More Accessible—During the Pandemic

Urgent Care Is Making Air Travel Safer—and the Country More Accessible—During the Pandemic

There’s no denying that Americans are not as free as we once were to travel around the country since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Many states have implemented rules stating that visitors from certain other states have to quarantine for a couple of weeks—or produce proof that they aren’t infected—before they’re permitted to interact with residents. While it’s debatable how enforceable those rules are, it’s certain they put a damper on plans for anything beyond essential …

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Urgent Care Is Fighting to Ensure It Doesn’t Get Overlooked When COVID-19 Vaccine Is Ready

Urgent Care Is Fighting to Ensure It Doesn’t Get Overlooked When COVID-19 Vaccine Is Ready

The urgent care industry got the short end of the stick in the early days of testing for COVID-19—which means urgent care patients were also left wanting for testing locations in too many areas. With the pandemic still raging and flu season approaching, the Urgent Care Association is working with the Convenient Care Association to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself when it comes to vaccination. The two organizations are trying to raise the volume on …

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Urgent Care Centers Are Hiring—Now if They Can Get Enough Supplies, They’ll Be in Business

Urgent Care Centers Are Hiring—Now if They Can Get Enough Supplies, They’ll Be in Business

First, the good news: According to the latest UCA/CUCM COVID-19 survey of how urgent care centers are faring during the pandemic, 61% of respondents are “actively hiring,” while another 7% are “actively planning for needs, but not yet hiring.” Sixteen percent say they’re “awaiting actual volume surges to make a decision” while another 16% “do not anticipate a need to change our staffing model.” Those that are waiting to see more patients return may not …

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Urgent Care Is Hitting Its Stride in Fighting COVID-19—and Seeing Record Visits

Urgent Care Is Hitting Its Stride in Fighting COVID-19—and Seeing Record Visits

Urgent care may have been relegated to the sidelines at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has entered the game and is contributing in a big way if new data from Experity are any indication. The health information technology company revealed record high visits in July, including 105,000 patients on July 6 alone—the highest single-day volume of the year. The company’s interpretation of the data is that urgent care centers are playing a …

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UCA Partners Up on Database to Help Patients Find Centers with COVID-19 Testing Resources

UCA Partners Up on Database to Help Patients Find Centers with COVID-19 Testing Resources

The urgent care community continues to find innovative ways to ensure it’s not left out of the discussion—and on the sidelines when lives are at stake—during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The latest development is an Urgent Care Association initiative, in partnership with Braid Health, to offer, an online database highlighting urgent care clinics that offer COVID-19 diagnostic or antibody testing in local communities. In the press release announcing availability of the database, UCA CEO …

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UCA Joins with ASPR TRACIE to Advance the Role of Urgent Care in COVID-19

UCA Joins with ASPR TRACIE to Advance the Role of Urgent Care in COVID-19

Recognizing its own potential to lead urgent care’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic on a national scale, the Urgent Care Association is working with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) on its Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) program. UCA leaders met with ASPR TRACIE just a few weeks ago, in advance of a report for the emergency preparedness community about urgent care’s experiences, …

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Urgent Care Is Fighting to Be Recognized in Future COVID-19 Testing Initiatives. Are You In?

Urgent Care Is Fighting to Be Recognized in Future COVID-19 Testing Initiatives. Are You In?

As new cases of COVID-19 around the country creep up (or skyrocket, depending on where you’re located) it’s evident that there will be a surge in testing for the virus. Inexplicably, urgent care was largely overlooked as a viable partner in widespread testing when the pandemic first took off in the U.S.—but the Urgent Care Association is striving to ensure that doesn’t happen again. UCA has been collecting data on urgent care operators’ testing capabilities, …

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