If Patients Can’t Park Near Your Clinic, They Won’t Be YOUR Patients for Long

If Patients Can’t Park Near Your Clinic, They Won’t Be YOUR Patients for Long

A little boy bangs his toe on the coffee table while chasing his cat around the house. He’s screaming bloody murder and his mom is convinced he’s broken a bone. It’s a scenario tailor-made for urgent care, so she drives immediately to your clinic—only to find the only parking spot is across the street, in the municipal lot. Be assured she’s not parking there; nor is she going to circle until something opens up. She’s …

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Are You Doing Enough to Protect Your Clinicians? The Data Suggest ‘Probably Not’

Are You Doing Enough to Protect Your Clinicians? The Data Suggest ‘Probably Not’

Envision four actual nurses who work in your urgent care operation. You probably picture them smiling, or engaged in their jobs and providing care to patients. Now picture one of them being physically or verbally assaulted in the workplace—YOUR workplace. New data from the American Nurses Association suggest that’s a very real, and quantified, likelihood; workplace violence is so common that one out of four nurses acknowledges they’ve been the victim of assault of one …

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Concussion Protocols Are Now Coming into Play Legally

Concussion Protocols Are Now Coming into Play Legally

The risk for concussion among young athletes is a constant concern that comes into sharper focus every fall, when young athletes don helmets and shoulder pads and head out on the gridiron. Now a former Idaho high school football player is taking his old school district to court, charging that he was told it was safe to get back out on the field just 2 weeks after being concussed back in 2017. The $300,000 suit …

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Dismiss Potential Diagnoses Based on a Patient’s Age and You’re Inviting Death and Litigation

Dismiss Potential Diagnoses Based on a Patient’s Age and You’re Inviting Death and Litigation

An Alabama urgent care center learned the hardest possible way that it’s a mistake to assume a young, healthy-appearing patient wouldn’t have a life-threatening condition in spite of worsening symptoms. The patient in question was a 20-year-old college student who first presented with shortness of breath, chest pain, headache, and sore throat. The diagnosis reached that day was bronchitis, for which she received a prescription for an antibiotic and advice to return if her symptoms …

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Know Your Responsibilities to Patients Under the ADA—or Face Bad Press and Fines

Know Your Responsibilities to Patients Under the ADA—or Face Bad Press and Fines

As business operators, we probably think of our obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) mostly as they relate to employees. However, a recent case in Connecticut serves as a reminder that patient rights also fall under the ADA umbrella. An operator there is learning the consequences of that oversight as we speak. It all started when parents brought their child, who lives with a developmental disability, to the urgent care center …

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Sexual Harassment is a Double-Edged Sword: Are You Protecting Your Staff and Your Business?

Sexual Harassment is a Double-Edged Sword: Are You Protecting Your Staff and Your Business?

You turn over every stone to ensure your new hires are of the highest caliber not only clinically but as human beings. The vast majority of times, as in all urgent care businesses, your due diligence pays off. Then there’s the rare occasion when the horrific and unpredictable happens, as seen in a recent news story out of Fresno, CA. There, a male physician has been charged with five counts of various sex offenses against …

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Urgent Care Records Make Headlines in R. Kelly Sex Assault Case

Urgent Care Records Make Headlines in R. Kelly Sex Assault Case

Visits that disgraced R&B superstar R. Kelly made to urgent care centers and other healthcare facilities are making headlines as authorities work to prove 18 federal charges against him, ranging from kidnapping to sexual assault to producing and possessing child pornography. The latest bombshell in the years-long investigation is that Kelly may have exposed his victims to sexually transmitted diseases in the course of his alleged assaults. To that end, investigators have obtained records from …

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Fail to Look Past the Presenting Complaint and You Could Land in Court—and Harm the  Patient

Fail to Look Past the Presenting Complaint and You Could Land in Court—and Harm the Patient

A woman presented to an urgent care center in Santa Fe, NM to have pain and bruising in her chest checked out after she took a fall. X-rays showed now evidence of fractures or contusion, so the woman was given a prescription for pain medication and released, with no instructions for follow-up care. Return trips to the same urgent care center followed suit. Months later, after visiting another healthcare provider, she was diagnosed with lung …

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Know Your Employees’ Histories—for the Safety of Your Patients and Your Practice

Know Your Employees’ Histories—for the Safety of Your Patients and Your Practice

An urgent care center in Pecos County, Texas is finding out the hard way that not knowing the details of your employees’ histories is a recipe for disaster. A physician assistant working at the clinic has had his license temporarily (for now) suspended after being indicted by a grand jury on one count of aggravated sexual assault on a child. It’s alleged that the offense took place before he was hired, during a wellness exam …

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Straying Outside of HIPAA Compliance May Be Dangerously Simple

Straying Outside of HIPAA Compliance May Be Dangerously Simple

By and large, urgent care operators are very diligent when it comes to following the guidelines laid down in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996—much better knowns as HIPAA. However, even without malice aforethought, you may inadvertently stray into noncompliance, leaving your business open to serious penalties. Such was pointed out in a FierceHealth article that discussed ways it’s easy for medical providers in general to slip out of compliance; in fact, …

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