Caffeine-Related ED Visits Double for Teens and Tweens

Caffeine-Related ED Visits Double for Teens and Tweens

Caffeinated drinks seem to have become a lifestyle for American teens and tweens. A recent study from Epic Research showed that emergency department (ED) visits connected to consuming excessive amounts of caffeine nearly doubled among some age groups from 2017 to 2023. For kids ages 15 to 18, the rate increased from 7.4 per 100,000 visits in 2017 to 13.6 per 100,000 visits in 2023. But for kids ages 11 to 14, visits related to …

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WellNow Returns to In-Network Status With Excellus BCBS 

WellNow Returns to In-Network Status With Excellus BCBS 

Breaking a 10-month stalemate, WellNow Urgent Care and Excellus BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) have at last executed a new contract agreement, putting WellNow back in-network as of November 15, 2024, according to an email from WellNow. Excellus insurance plans covered about 300,000 WellNow visits in New York last year. At least 40 centers are located in Central New York where hospital closures in recent years have provided WellNow opportunities to fill gaps in access. “At WellNow …

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FDA Considers Removing Decongestant From Store Shelves

FDA Considers Removing Decongestant From Store Shelves

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is looking to remove oral phenylephrine from its list of approved over-the-counter ingredients. After a committee review, the oral decongestant was unanimously determined to be ineffective, according to FDA. However, removal from store shelves would occur no earlier than 2026, and the agency emphasizes that its proposed ban is based on effectiveness concerns, not on safety concerns. Over-the-counter oral phenylephrine has been on the market for 30 years. Chime …

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Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infections Rising Among Children

Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infections Rising Among Children

Just as urgent care centers across the nation prepare for peak flu season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is also taking note of a rise in Mycoplasma pneumonia cases that’s been going on for the past 6 months. The analysis is based on data from patients discharged from emergency departments with a diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumonia-associated pneumonia or acute bronchitis. According to the agency, there was a peak in August of this …

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Healthcare Workers Endure Violence Routinely—Even After the Pandemic

Healthcare Workers Endure Violence Routinely—Even After the Pandemic

In a sobering cross-sectional study, researchers found that healthcare workers in emergency departments (EDs) experience workplace violence at a rate of once every 3.7 shifts. Even worse, in the large urban ED study site, 25% of the incidents involved physical violence, as published in JAMA Network Open. The odds of experiencing violence increased for those in a nursing role and workers of a younger age. Those who experienced violence reported they were moderately or severely …

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Cranberry Juice Helps Kids With Recurrent UTI

Cranberry Juice Helps Kids With Recurrent UTI

Preventing recurrent urinary tract infection (RUTI) in children usually involves antibiotic prophylaxis. A new meta-analysis in Pediatrics of 23 randomized controlled trials found that for children with a history of RUTI, the antibiotic nitrofurantoin and cranberry products— both cranberry juice and tablets as supplementation—appeared to decrease the incidence of symptomatic episodes. Nitrofurantoin significantly lowering odds of symptomatic UTI episodes during prophylaxis, whether compared with controls (odds ratio [OR] 0.21, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.07-0.65, P=0.007) …

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Novant Acquires UCI, Adds 52 Urgent Care Clinics

Novant Acquires UCI, Adds 52 Urgent Care Clinics

Novant Health has completed its acquisition of UCI Medical Affiliates, Inc. (UCI), previously owned by BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina. The deal includes 52 Doctors Care urgent care clinics and 20 Progressive Physical Therapy clinics. UCI also provides nonmedical management and administrative services specifically for urgent care and physical therapy operators. Charlotte-based Novant has 3 hospitals in South Carolina, so the urgent care additions will no doubt offer some new referral source potential.  Staying the …

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New Bouncebacks! Medical and Legal Edition Informs Patient Safety, Reduces Risk

New Bouncebacks! Medical and Legal Edition Informs Patient Safety, Reduces Risk

The new Bouncebacks! Medical and Legal 13th Anniversary Edition book, created by JUCM Senior Clinical Editor Michael B. Weinstock, MD, has the potential to change practice by improving patient safety while also decreasing legal risk to the clinician. Bouncebacks! offers actual chart documentation for challenging cases, chapters on legal issues (including “How to Spot the Well-Appearing Patient Who Will Soon Be Dead,” and “Litigation Stress: A Personal Story”), specific documentation recommendations, and deposition and trial …

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UH Building Up Urgent Care in Ohio to Match Cleveland Clinic

UH Building Up Urgent Care in Ohio to Match Cleveland Clinic

In the northern Ohio market, University Hospitals (UH) has paired with WellStreet Urgent Care to open a flurry of UH-branded urgent care centers in suburban locations. Within 2 years, the joint venture is aiming to have 36 UH urgent care centers open across the region—directly competing with the existing 36 centers currently operated by UH rival Cleveland Clinic, according to UH has selected sites near its primary care offices to better close the loop …

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Zoning Upends Bon Secours Urgent Care Plans

Zoning Upends Bon Secours Urgent Care Plans

Urgent care site selection can be tricky business. Once operators have sized up their addressable market, considered the competition, and estimated the available workforce, opening their doors may seem like a cinch. However, local zoning approvals must figure into site selection strategy as well. Last week, city councilors in Celina, Ohio, voted down a rezoning measure, which ultimately prevented Bon Secours Mercy Health from building a 4,200-square-foot urgent care on a former manufacturing site in …

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