FastMed Pools Data to Highlight Differences Between Urgent Care and the ED

FastMed Pools Data to Highlight Differences Between Urgent Care and the ED

To the average consumer, the key similarity between the urgent care center and the emergency room is plain to see: you get to see a doctor without an appointment. That’s deceptively simple, however, and doesn’t take into account relative wait times, cost to the patient and the insurer, whether the complaint is truly emergent, and the overall implications of going to the ED when it’s not necessary. FastMed Urgent Care, which owns and operates 109 …

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JUCM Brings Home Silver in National Publication Competition

JUCM Brings Home Silver in National Publication Competition

JUCM, The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine won a Silver Award in the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editor’s (ASHPE) 2018 Awards Competition, takings its place among winners from much larger publications such as The Journal of Family Practice, the American Journal of Critical Care, and the American Journal of Nursing. JUCM was honored in the Case Report category for an original article published in our September 2017 issue and authored by Ralph Mohty, MS4 …

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UCA Webinar: Budgeting with an Eye for the Future

UCA Webinar: Budgeting with an Eye for the Future

The business of urgent care may be taking care of patients, but that business won’t last long without sound financial practices. Understanding that the money coming in has to be more than the money going out doesn’t take a whole lot of acumen; truly grasping how to maximize the process for the current health and future growth of the business is another thing, however. The Urgent Care Association has invited speaker Dan Phillips to share …

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UCAOA Webinar: Budgeting with an Eye for the Future

UCAOA Webinar: Budgeting with an Eye for the Future

The business of urgent care may be taking care of patients, but that business won’t last long without sound financial practices. Understanding that the money coming in has to be more than the money going out doesn’t take a whole lot of acumen; truly grasping how to maximize the process for the current health and future growth of the business is another thing, however. The Urgent Care Association of America has invited speaker Dan Phillips …

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Multidisciplinary Approach to Pain Lowers Utilization of Healthcare Resources

Multidisciplinary Approach to Pain Lowers Utilization of Healthcare Resources

Chronic pain patients who completed a comprehensive, multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation program used significantly fewer healthcare resources in a study presented at the American Academy of Pain Medicine’s 2018 annual meeting. The only exception was in behavioral health, in which access increased. Over the course of the 3-week program, patients with chronic (≥3 months) noncancer pain were able to access physical, occupational, and medical therapies and taper the doses of opioids prescribed to them. Researchers analyzed …

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MedPAC Wants to Cut Reimbursements to Off-Campus, 24-Hour Hospital EDs

MedPAC Wants to Cut Reimbursements to Off-Campus, 24-Hour Hospital EDs

Medicare reimbursements to many freestanding emergency rooms will be cut significantly if a new recommendation by the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee (MedPAC) is implemented. MedPAC voted unanimously to reduce reimbursements to off-campus, 24-hour hospital EDs located in urban areas within 6 miles of an on-campus ED by 30%. According to an Erdman analysis of the proposal, freestanding, off-campus EDs typically have lower operating costs than on-campus EDs but receive the same Medicare payments—giving them higher …

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American Well Buys Avizia—with More Attention to Urgent Care Expected

American Well Buys Avizia—with More Attention to Urgent Care Expected

Healthcare merger-mania hasn’t forgotten about the telehealth business, as American Well revealed that it will acquire Avizia. The appeal for American Well will be to expand its acute care offerings, as Avizia’s hospital-based business reflects more than 40 clinical specialties, including telestroke and telebehavioral health services. At the same time, Avizia said it expects that the newly expanded company “will offer…[an] enterprise telehealth platform for urgent care, chronic disease management, acute care, and postacute care.” …

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TRICARE Offers Nonfinancial Incentives to Push Patients to Urgent Care

TRICARE Offers Nonfinancial Incentives to Push Patients to Urgent Care

Due to its oversight by the federal government, TRICARE is challenged with limitations that don’t apply to most insurers—one being that they’re not able to offer some of the economic incentives commonly used to push patients to lower-cost care settings. At the same time, the military insurer is held to the same (or higher) standard for keeping costs under control. One strategy its administrators have come up with is a familiar one: Get patients to …

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New App Helps Patients Choose Among Urgent Care and Other Care Settings

New App Helps Patients Choose Among Urgent Care and Other Care Settings

More choices can often lead to more indecision for patients who need same-day medical care. While many have gotten the message the emergency room should be reserved for emergencies, it’s still an option. Some insurers (like Anthem) are making it tough on patients who make the “wrong” decision by refusing to pick up the tab for some ED visits if they’re later deemed to have been nonemergent. A new app developed by a pair of …

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Article Highlights Migration from Traditional Primary Care to Urgent Care

Article Highlights Migration from Traditional Primary Care to Urgent Care

The ongoing growth of urgent care, among other trends, is at least partially responsible for an increasing scarcity of traditional primary care physicians, according to analysis of new data posted to Advisory Board. Citing research by the Health Care Cost Institute and an article just published in The New York Times, the piece notes that “the emergence of urgent care centers and retail clinics, as well as proliferating mergers between healthcare providers” is lowering patients’ …

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