Despite the Need and Good Intentions, #MeToo May Have Unintended Consequences

Despite the Need and Good Intentions, #MeToo May Have Unintended Consequences

Legitimate, well-researched news stories have made it clear that sexual harassment, and sometimes even sexual assault, have been pervasive in American workplaces. Healthcare, including urgent care, is not immune. The need to take action to stop it, or at least levy serious consequences on those who commit abuses, is beyond debate. Unfortunately, however, even righteous causes sometimes have unintended consequences. An article just published in the Harvard Business Review reports a growing backlash against #MeToo, …

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Want to Bring in More Millennial Patients? Here’s How

Want to Bring in More Millennial Patients? Here’s How

Like every generation, Millennials (defined as Americans born between 1981 and 1996) are inclined to share certain preferences and characteristics that might seem out-of-step with other generations. The thing is, Millennials will become the largest demographic segment of the U.S. population this year, according to Pew Research. So, at this point, consider they might not be the ones who are “out of step” if you view those preferences as counter to the way you do …

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A Call for Clinicians to Up Their Social Media Game—for the Safety of Their Patients

A Call for Clinicians to Up Their Social Media Game—for the Safety of Their Patients

If you needed any more proof that we as a society—including the urgent care industry—are firmly entrenched in the internet age, here it is: A prestigious academic health system has appointed its first chief medical social media officer. As noted in an article recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Harvard-trained gastroenterologist Austin Chiang, MD is now tasked with helping Jefferson Health/Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals in Philadelphia stay on point with a …

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It’s Festival Season—Are You Ready to Treat the Revelers?

It’s Festival Season—Are You Ready to Treat the Revelers?

As summer winds down, local chambers of commerce are trying to squeeze in end-of-season festivals dedicated to every type of food, music, and ethnic group imaginable. It’s prime time for major national events like the just-concluded Sturgis (SD) Motorcycle Rally, too. In the latter case, area healthcare facilities have learned they need extra staff on hand to treat bikers and onlookers who flood the town ever year; last year, local healthcare facilities saw 610 rally-related …

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Hurricane Barry Shut Down Urgent Care Centers—a Reminder That You Need a Disaster Plan

Hurricane Barry Shut Down Urgent Care Centers—a Reminder That You Need a Disaster Plan

As predictions of high winds and flooding made headlines over the weekend, Louisiana urgent care centers who expected to see the brunt of the storm did their best to spread the word that they’d be closing up shop until the most dangerous conditions subsided. Local media carried reports of what healthcare facilities in general would be accessible, and operations such as Lafayette General Health got the word out through social media, as well, including updates …

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Listen to Millennials: They’ll Tell You How to Reach Them

Listen to Millennials: They’ll Tell You How to Reach Them

It may seem deceptively simple, but the fact is that millennials (generally, Americans born between 1981 and 1996) tend to approach their business dealings—which includes healthcare choices, in their view—from a tech-savvy perspective because they’re the first generation to grow up with easy access to computers, and the internet specifically. That goes down to how they make decisions on which healthcare settings to visit when they or their families (yes, millennials are even having children) …

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WHO Recognizes Workplace Burnout—Do You Recognize the Signs in Your Urgent Care Team?

WHO Recognizes Workplace Burnout—Do You Recognize the Signs in Your Urgent Care Team?

The latest version of the International Classification of Diseases from the World Health Organization has a startling new entry: for the first time, it officially classifies burnout as an occupational phenomenon. Previous editions have referred to burnout as a “state of vital exhaustion” but stopped short of linking it to the workplace. Now the WHO describes burnout as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed,” including the …

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The School Year Is Ending—so It’s Prime Time for Next Fall’s Sports Physicals

The School Year Is Ending—so It’s Prime Time for Next Fall’s Sports Physicals

Graduations and moving-up ceremonies mean it’s time for students to kick back and start enjoying the summer—and that urgent care centers need to start offering fall sports physicals already. Some states say student-athletes can have physicals for the following school year’s fall sports season in the previous spring. Michigan, for one, permits physicals for fall sports to take place as early as April 15 of the preceding school year. With families often being gone for …

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The Longer Patients Wait in the ED, the More of Them Leave Against Medical Advice

The Longer Patients Wait in the ED, the More of Them Leave Against Medical Advice

There’s a strange dichotomy afoot in California emergency rooms: Patients are heading to the emergency room in greater numbers than in years past—but even more of them are leaving against medical advice out of frustration over waiting so long to see a provider, according to data from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development and published recently in California Healthline. Approximately 352,000 ED visits in 2017 ended with patients leaving after seeing a doctor …

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Leverage Social Media to Draw More Patients and Advance Your Business

Leverage Social Media to Draw More Patients and Advance Your Business

Social media platforms can be more than a treasure trove of baby pictures, cat videos, and inflammatory political rhetoric. Some urgent care physicians have become adept at utilizing their features for the good of their patients, their practices, and even their careers. Tyeese L. Gaines, DO, MBA is one. The founder of NOWMed Urgent Care in Jersey City, NJ was quoted extensively in a recent post on the AMA’s website, detailing how Facebook, Twitter, and …

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