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In all likelihood, you wouldn’t dream of opening a new urgent care clinic without first putting together a business plan. Doesn’t it make sense that key aspects of your overall business would benefit from the same careful planning?
Data from the Urgent Care Association of America indicate that over 60% of urgent care companies offer at least some occupational medicine services; nearly 5% of locations offer occ med exclusively.

Putting a business plan for your occupational health services to paper allows this aspect of your business to move purposefully toward where you want to go, with a cohesive strategy for just how you plan to get there.

The “where you want to go” segment of the plan documents the rationale of your business opportunity, how you plan to respond to that opportunity, and your anticipated financial return. The “how you plan to get there” segment is your sales and marketing plan.

Occ Med Programs Need Business Plans, Too

Frank H. Leone, MBA, MPH

Author and President of RYAN Associates