CME Specific to Flu Shots—and Parental Hesitancy—Seems to Improve Immunization Rates

CME Specific to Flu Shots—and Parental Hesitancy—Seems to Improve Immunization Rates

Healthcare providers who took an online CME program specific to seasonal influenza in children, and that took into account flu shot hesitancy in parents, were more likely to vaccinate infants against the flu, according to a study out of Western University in Canada. Authors of the paper, which was presented at IDWeek recently, concluded that the results show a distinct cause-and-effect relationship between providing timely clinical education and clinical action by participants. “Timely” may be …

Ranks of Unvaccinated Children Are Growing, Putting Others at Risk

Ranks of Unvaccinated Children Are Growing, Putting Others at Risk

Fewer young children are getting vaccination against many diseases than in years past, opening the door for preventable disease outbreaks, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The threat is especially acute in uninsured and Medicaid-insured children. The CDC report, Vaccination Coverage Among Children Aged 19–35 Months—United States, 2018, notes that children under 2 years of age, in particular, are less likely to receive all the recommended vaccinations than in …

Flu Isn’t the Only Condition with a Season

Flu Isn’t the Only Condition with a Season

It’s painfully clear, from the frenzied media reports to your case load, that we’re heading into the heart of influenza season. A new report from Columbia University’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences, published in PLOS Pathogens, claims there’s a seasonality to many other infectious disease states as well, however. Many of those identified in the report are likely to present to urgent care centers. The paper identifies 69 diseases that have a fairly distinct “season,” …

If You Want Your Providers to Get a Flu Shot, Make It a Requirement

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has spelled out the best way to ensure providers who work in your urgent care center heed the advice they’re supposed to be giving patients (in short, Get a flu shot). It’s a simple one: Tell them they have to, and make it easy for them to. The CDC just released data for last year’s flu season on the influence of employer-imposed requirements to receive an influenza vaccination …

Last Year’s High Death Toll from Flu Partially Explained—and the Data Should Frustrate You

Last Year’s High Death Toll from Flu Partially Explained—and the Data Should Frustrate You

As this year’s influenza season really gets going, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a report with some data that should make you sit up and take notice. In fact, it should spur you to action. In a year when flu killed at least 79,000, less than 40% of adults in the United States received the influenza vaccination. The highest death toll in decades coincided with the lowest immunization rate in 7 …

As Flu Visits to Urgent Care Start to Climb, FDA Clears a New Treatment

As Flu Visits to Urgent Care Start to Climb, FDA Clears a New Treatment

For the first time in two decades, the Food and Drug Administration has approved use of a new drug to treat acute uncomplicated influenza in patients 12 years of age and older who have been symptomatic for ≤48 hours. While that’s great news in the wake of last year’s rough flu season, urgent care providers must be aware of the need for timely diagnosis—and pass that message along to patients. With less than 2 days …

Warn Parents: Don’t Let Young Children with a Cold Have Decongestants

Warn Parents: Don’t Let Young Children with a Cold Have Decongestants

Especially now that flu season is upon us, nervous parents may be visiting urgent care centers with children who are suffering from a cold out of concern that it could be influenza. Relieved as they may be to learn that it’s “just” a cold, urge Mom and Dad to let their offspring ride out the symptoms instead of giving them decongestants. Children under 6 years of age should not take decongestants at all, and parents …

Need a Flu Shot? Pull Up to the Urgent Care Center and Roll Down Your Window

Need a Flu Shot? Pull Up to the Urgent Care Center and Roll Down Your Window

As we first told you weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that everyone who should be vaccinated against influenza—which would include all Americans over the age of 6 months, unless they have a contraindication—do so by the end of October. The CDC says the flu will strike early this year, but as always there are more naysayers among the public than there should be. Some people just don’t think it …

Developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan for Urgent Care

Developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan for Urgent Care

Urgent Message: In order for urgent care to meet the on-demand healthcare needs of the community, it must have a plan to continue operations in the face of unpredictable service disruptions due to manmade or natural disaster. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is Chief Executive Officer of Velocity Urgent Care and is Practice Management Editor of The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine. From hurricanes to earthquakes to power outages, natural and manmade disasters are on …

Be Prepared: More Patients Say They’re Getting a Flu Shot this Year

Be Prepared: More Patients Say They’re Getting a Flu Shot this Year

Maybe all the headlines about how bad the 2017–2018 flu season was will end up having a bright side. According to a just-released survey from urgent care chain CityMD, 57% of Americans say they’ll get a flu shot this year, compared with only 51% who did so in 2016. While that reflects patients in all age groups, the best news might be that those 65 years of age and older make up the largest segment …