Millennials Not Alone in Dodging Flu Shots

Millennials Not Alone in Dodging Flu Shots

We told you recently that fewer than half the patients in the “millennials” age group (roughly, those born between 1982 and 2004) are planning to get a flu shot this year—in spite of the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging patients in general to get vaccinated earlier than ever. Now a study by UPI indicates that U.S. parents who don’t get their kids immunized make that choice because they simply …

Start Priming the Pump for Flu Shot Programs

Start Priming the Pump for Flu Shot Programs

It may seem early, but September is actually the ideal time to start promoting influenza immunization programs in your urgent care center. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all patients 6-months-old and above receive a flu shot by the end of October. In addition to traditional promotional channels like local advertising and social media, don’t forget the value of good old-fashioned human contact; let patients who come in for everyday complaints that …

Free Urgent Care Webinar Explores Deadly Combination

Free Urgent Care Webinar Explores Deadly Combination

With preparations already underway for the 2016–2017 flu season, this is an ideal time to look further into the correlation between pneumonia and influenza—especially in urgent care, where respiratory illness is the number-one diagnosis code recorded. Pneumonia is the most common complication of influenza, and leads to significant morbidity and mortality, with the elderly and patients with comorbid conditions being most at risk. Glenn Harnett, MD will lead a discussion of this deadly combination in …

Midline Neck Mass

Midline Neck Mass

Urgent message: Swelling of the neck is a common problem seen in the urgent care setting. Etiologies range from infectious to lymphatic to malignant. If serious conditions are not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, complications may lead to airway compromise, sepsis, or even death. How this article helps you: alerts you to uncommon presentations of neck masses. Introdution Swelling in various areas of the neck is frequently seen in urgent care centers. Most …

Clinica Mi Pueblo—Shedding Light on Urgent Care Solutions for America’s Uninsured Latino Population

Clinica Mi Pueblo—Shedding Light on Urgent Care Solutions for America’s Uninsured Latino Population

URGENT MESSAGE: America’s undocumented immigrant population—those who are ineligible for Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance via a state or federal exchange—are increasingly served by storefront “bodega clinics” that offer a range of services on a walk-in, cash-pay basis. While these “clinicas” provide much-needed access to the communities they serve, there are also concerns about the quality and oversight of their operations. Nonetheless, they could also teach many urgent care centers a thing or two about …

Productive Cough and Chills in an Adult

Productive Cough and Chills in an Adult

A 37-year-old woman without a significant past medical history presents after 3 days of a cough that produces yellow sputum with some streaks of blood. She has not checked her temperature but says she has “felt warm” and has some chills. She does have associated shortness of breath, but she reports that she has not had chest pain, leg pain or swelling, sweating, or headache. She has a history of hypertension, and she takes an …

Abstracts In Urgent Care – July 2016

SEAN M. McNEELEY, MD Dexamethasone May Be Worthwhile in Treating Adult Asthma Key point: Dexamethasone is almost as good as prednisone in treating asthma in adults. Citation: Rehrer MW, Liu B, Rodriguez M, et al. A randomized controlled noninferiority trial of single dose of oral dexa- methasone versus 5 days of oral prednisone in acute adult asthma. Ann Emerg Med. 2016 April 22. doi: 10.1016/ j.annemergmed.2016.03.017. [Epub ahead of print.] In a randomized placebo-controlled trial …

Abstracts in Urgent Care – May 2016

SEAN M. McNEELEY, MD Results Unavailable for 71% of Trials Key point: Many research findings are not easily available to clinicians. Citation: Chen Ruijun, Desai NR, Ross JS, et al. Publication and reporting of clinical trial results: cross sectional analyis across academic medical centers BMJ. 2016;352:i637. Researchers investigated the amount of clinical trial findings at academic medical centers that are not published and thus not easily available to clinicians. In a cross-sectional analysis of academic …

The Future Without Flu: Will Public Health Gains Cause Business Ills?

It’s well known that the retail industry has a nasty habit of overreliance on the holiday season to buffer slower sales throughout the year. When the economy is strong, retail sales typically follow, and investors are happy. When the economy falters or when brick-and-mortar retail is disrupted by lowercost, more-convenient alternatives, investors feel a bit under the weather. Similarly, the urgent care dilemma has always been a relative dependence on flu season to account for …

Abstracts in Urgent Care: April, 2016

SEAN M. McNEELEY, MD Copeptin and Troponin Together Are Useful in Diagnosing Acute Coronary Syndromes Key point: There is a new tool for ruling out myocardial infarction. Citation: Ricci F, Di Scala R, Massacesi C, et al. Ultra-sensitive copeptin and cardiac troponin in diagnosing non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes—the COPACS Study. Am J Med. 2016;129:105–114. Concern about patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with chest pain and normal electrocardiogram (ECG) findings frequently causes a transfer …