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A clinical panel recently issued dozens of recommendations for treating vitiligo in pediatric, adolescent, and young adult patients, as published in a consensus statement in JAMA Dermatology. The main conclusions point out that topical calcineurin inhibitors, topical corticosteroids, and topical Janus kinase inhibitors are effective treatments for vitiligo in these age groups. Treatment decisions should also consider factors such as the location of vitiligo, body surface area affected, age, and other patient-specific factors.

Perhaps a trip to the dermatologist is in order: According to MedPage Today, many pediatric patients don’t receive treatment for vitiligo. It’s a progressive disease that includes relapses, so treatment and ongoing follow-up are recommended. However, for kids under age 12, some products are still considered off-label use.

Panel Recommends Treatments for Pediatric Vitiligo