Level of Billing Complexity Follows Level of Lacerations in Wound Repair

Q: We had a patient present with multiple lacerations and were wondering how to bill, since some were repaired with sutures and some were repaired with staples. A: Laceration repair is billed based on the complexity, length of the repair, and the anatomic site. The repair can consist of sutures, staples, or wound adhesive (eg, Dermabond). The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual classifies the complexity of the repair of wounds as being simple, intermediate, or …

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Optimizing Tax ID Numbers, and Coding for Health Risk Assessments

Q: We are planning to open a new clinic that will offer both primary care and urgent care services. Can we use the same tax identification number (TIN) when we start negotiating contracts with insurance payors? A: Based on our experience with doing this many times, if you attempt to use the same TIN for both primary care (PC) and urgent care (UC), you are likely to see the following results: Some payors are likely …

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Coding for Critical Care Services

Q: Can we bill for critical care services when spending extra time with patients who are very ill? A: It is rare that you would perform billable critical care services in the urgent care setting. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the American Medical Association (AMA), critical care is defined as the direct delivery by a physician(s) of medical care for a critically ill or critically injured patient. A critical …

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Maximizing Reimbursement for Services on Campus, off Campus, or on the Phone

Q: We are coding for an urgent care group that is owned by a hospital and bills on a CMS-1500 for professional services and the UB-04 for facility services. We bill using Place of Service (POS) code 22. Is this correct? A: Prior to January 1, 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) POS code set did not differentiate between an urgent care operating on campus or off campus. As of January 1, …

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Splint and Cast Application Performed by Someone Other than Physician

Q: Can you bill for splint and cast applications done by someone on staff other than the physician? A: Yes, you can still bill for the service if the application is performed by someone else in the clinic. The American Medical Association (AMA) provided guidance on this in the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Assistant, April 2002 issue: “You will note that the reference to ‘physician’ has been retained in the clinical examples provided. This inclusion …

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2017 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Code Changes

A new year always brings changes, and CPT is not excluded. On January 1, 2017 you will want to take note of CPT code changes that will affect your billing. Imaging Guidance Codes with Puncture Aspiration If guidance is used for needle placement when performing puncture aspiration CPT code 10160, “Puncture aspiration of abscess, hematoma, bulla, or cyst,” coders are directed to the imaging guidance codes: 76492, “Ultrasonic guidance for needle placement (eg, biopsy, aspiration, …

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The Effects of the National Correct Coding Initiative

Q. I understand that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has added National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits that no longer allow the billing of debridement with hundreds of surgical codes. What is the impact? How do NCCI edits affect us in general? A. NCCI edits define when two procedure codes may not be reported together except under special circumstances. Medicare implemented NCCI to promote national correct coding methodologies and to control improper coding, …

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Imaging: X-Rays and Computed Tomography

Q. I understand that there will be reductions for x-ray reimbursements from Medicare in 2017. Is this true? A. To give imaging providers an additional incentive to adopt more advanced x-ray technology, Medicare will reduce reimbursement, beginning in 2017, for the technical component (and the technical component of the global fee) in claims submitted for x-rays performed with analog equipment. The cuts will continue in future years for those using computed radiography equipment (Table 1). …

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How to Talk About Billing Codes to Providers Who Don’t Know Them

Q. How do I talk to my providers about the documentation to support specific International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) codes when most of them do not really know the codes, but they know the terminology? A. Now that we are 1 year into using ICD-10-CM codes, most expect the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to lift the grace period for allowing providers to assign unspecified diagnosis codes. It is …

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ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Changes Effective October 1, 2016

Because it has been 4 years since the last annual update of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) and because 2016 is the first year for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to make updates to ICD-10-CM, CMS made many edits to the classification’s code set. On October 1, 2016, International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS) will include 3651 new codes and 487 revisedcodes,1 and …

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