Dateline: Washington, D.C.

Dateline: Washington, D.C.

On February 5, a group of Urgent Care leaders returned to our nation’s capital to continue the work toward federal payment reform. The new administration had just settled in, and there were signs of turnover everywhere you looked: offices under reconstruction; evidence of recent unpacking; reporters everywhere; protestors on a few corners; phones ringing off the hook in every office; circles under more than a few eyes; and emotions both high and low on display. …

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Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap

It’s believed that Urgent Care (UC) was born early in the 1980s, likely as the brainchild of Bruce Irwin, MD. He was an emergency room physician who saw “many people were coming to the emergency room with problems that could have been cared for in a less expensive and more convenient manner.”1 He opened a facility to do just that, which became American Family Care, the nation’s largest Urgent Care provider. Dr. Bruce Irwin passed …

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and that your centers are full of patients…but also that you and your colleagues have managed to stay healthy! For the Urgent Care Association (UCA), the College of Urgent Care Medicine (CUCM), the Urgent Care College of Physicians (UCCOP), and the Urgent Care Foundation (UCF), Q1 is Urgent Care Convention ramp-up time, leading toward our favorite time of year when we all get to gather and …

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Clarity is a good thing, but achieving clarity isn’t always easy. It requires a deep understanding, and reaching that depth takes time and energy. It’s taken us a few years. In 2022, we got clarity around the role of the Urgent Care Association (UCA). For a long time, we tried hard to do anything that anyone in Urgent Care needed, and that led to a lot of good work but also a very unclear identity. …

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Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

For as long as I can remember, Urgent Care has defined itself in the context of something else. We’re “more than primary care but less than emergency,” and “we’re like those drugstore clinics but we can do a lot more.” Or “we fill a gap in on-demand access.” I guess that is necessary when you are new and small and unknown. The problem with this kind of definition is that it’s so other-dependent. The way …

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Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Before I jump into this column, I want to mention our recent Advocacy victory: getting a mention of Urgent Care into the Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services publication of the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. If you want more details on why this is a big deal, you can listen to the 2 interviews I did with Eric Zimmerman (our lobbyist team leader) on the Urgent Care Leadership Podcast (found anywhere you get your …

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Secret Sauce

Secret Sauce

Amazon. Dollar General. Berkshire Hathaway. JPMorgan Chase. Walgreens. Walmart (insert echo here). It’s been an interesting few years watching these giants try to do what you do. The biggest tragedy of all of this is the hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent by these folks that could have been saved if someone on their end had simply picked up the phone and talked to one of us. No one called the Urgent …

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Please Show Me That I’m Wrong

Please Show Me That I’m Wrong

I like to think that I usually have a pretty good read on Urgent Care, but I am currently mystified by something and need your help. For as long as I can remember, everyone in Urgent Care has chanted a common refrain: “We need a seat at the table!” In the beginning, we were too small to make enough noise to be heard and way, way too tight on funds to even think about hiring …

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To Evolve is to Succeed

To Evolve is to Succeed

Scott Prysi, MD For the last 30 years, Urgent Care centers have been transforming healthcare by moving the patient to the center of care—that means serving patients with urgent medical problems with extended hours and onsite X-ray and lab services when and where they want it.  We operated throughout the pandemic when virtually all other healthcare access points closed, and we came out stronger with new relationships with local hospitals and health departments as well …

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Who’s on First?

Who’s on First?

Here at the Urgent Care Association (UCA), we often used to ask ourselves, “Is this a UCA thing or a College thing or a Foundation thing?” Over the past few years of talking to all of you, I learned that we were not the only ones asking this question. When you build a house, over the years, you may add on a fantastic new sunroom, then an expansive extra bedroom, and then maybe you remodel …

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