Navigating the Credentialing Process to Maximize Revenue and Minimize Denials

What is the best way to get my practitioners credentialed with various insurance companies and networks? It is frustrating to try and navigate this convoluted process. I am asked by each insurance company to complete a mound of paperwork and collect a stack of supporting documents for each practitioner. Then I wait months for approval notifications and effective dates. As a result, we end up losing some patients because they want to be treated at …

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The Finer Points of Video Surveillance in an Urgent Care Center

Urgent message: The increasing use of video surveillance in urgent care requires an awareness of the risks and restrictions of such systems used for patient and employee safety. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is Chief Executive Officer of Velocity Urgent Care and is Practice Management Editor of The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine.   Security is one of the most significant concerns in the operation of an urgent care facility. In this instance, it’s not …

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Keeping Occ Med Clients Happy—While Keeping Patients Safe

Urgent message: It’s the aim of every occupational medicine sales and marketing team to get prospective clients’ attention, and ultimately to secure the business. It’s what happens after that, however, that keeps clients happy (and encourages them to remain clients). Max Lebow, MD, MPH, FACEP, FACPM   Preparation Before the First Employee Visit Employers come to select a particular occupational medicine practice through a number of different routes. Whether businesses hear about your services through …

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Advanced Practitioners Help Advance the Urgent Care Cause

By the year 2030, the expected shortfall of primary care physicians ranges between 14,800 and 49,300.¹ Under the influence of a growing and aging population, the next decade promises to put extraordinary pressure on the physician workforce. To make matters worse, physician reimbursement remains stagnant or in decline. While there remains modest growth in the total number of physicians in the U.S., demand is outpacing supply, and the gap between primary care and specialty care …

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Education is Key to Avoiding Increasingly Sophisticated Cyber Crime

Education is Key to Avoiding Increasingly Sophisticated Cyber Crime

Urgent message: As digital communication becomes more integral to our daily lives and job functions, cybercriminals are increasingly employing nefarious social engineering tactics like “phishing” to steal our valuable personal, professional, and financial information. Urgent care employees at every level should be trained to recognize phishing scams, and how to effectively safeguard themselves and their organizations from attack. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is Chief Executive Officer of Velocity Urgent Care and is Practice Management …

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Dealing with the Emotional Impact of a Merger or Acquisition

Dealing with the Emotional Impact of a Merger or Acquisition

Urgent message: Urgent care has seen significant merger and acquisition activity in recent years, which is certain to cause worries, frustrations and stresses for employees. Understanding the problems—as well as the opportunities—associated with a change in ownership better positions employees to assure both the company and their career interests are well served. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is Chief Executive Officer of Velocity Urgent Care, LLC and is Practice Management Editor at The Journal of Urgent …

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The Connection Between Age and Choosing a Healthcare Setting

If you’ve worked in more than one setting—say, a traditional primary care office and an urgent care center—you’ve probably noticed differing patient preferences. It’s self-evident, for example, that patient who go to urgent care centers prioritize being able to see a provider today over waiting a few days to see their “regular” doctor. You may have been too busy treating those patients to notice that certain preferences can be age-specific, however. Advisory Board conducted a …

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Is PrEP Appropriate for Urgent Care?

Is PrEP Appropriate for Urgent Care?

Urgent message: Ever since HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) was approved by the FDA in 2012, urgent care centers have been offering this service in increasing numbers as a way to increase revenue and serve new patient segments. However, some healthcare professionals question whether urgent care is an appropriate venue for dispensing such a powerful medication, as it can carry with it dangerous side effects and, if misused, serious health consequences. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc …

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Flu Shot Coverage and Effectiveness—a Historical Perspective

Patients who heed your advice to get a flu shot and take common-sense measures to avoid spreading germs—regular, effective handwashing; cleaning common-use surfaces; staying home when they’re sick—are less likely to get the flu. That’s a given. What’s less clear in the midst of any flu season is how many of them do so (and at what point), and how effective the vaccine is for those who do receive it. The Centers for Disease Control …

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What Happens if You Break a Commercial Lease?

Urgent message: Whether starting a new urgent care center and entering into a lease for the first time, or evaluating, moving, closing, or selling an existing urgent care center, understanding the conditions under which its permissible—and not permissible—to break a commercial lease can save you time, money, and legal headaches . Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is Chief Executive Officer of Velocity Urgent Care, LLC and is Practice Management Editor of The Journal of Urgent …

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