A Love Letter

A Love Letter

Dear Urgent Care, I remember the day we first met. It was a long-ago Christmas Eve early in the morning, and I had awakened with a terribly sore throat. I was despondent, knowing no one would be willing to take care of me on the holiday, which meant it wouldn’t be a very merry one for me. Then, there you were. In a brick building on a well-traveled highway, your lights were on and your …

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Leaders Must Prioritize Goals for the Next Phase in Urgent Care

Leaders Must Prioritize Goals for the Next Phase in Urgent Care

Urgent care medicine is still trying to find its place in the vast medical care landscape. At the same time, the whole “house of medicine” is going through yet another challenging time. Our journals and the media are reporting that medical providers are feeling demoralized and uncertain of the future. In some clinics, the medical staff shows up focused only on surviving the day. Considering these organizational issues, it can often feel overwhelming when leaders …

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What Urgent Care Operators Need to Know About Pay Transparency

What Urgent Care Operators Need to Know About Pay Transparency

Urgent Message: As a rising percentage of jurisdictions require disclosure of salary ranges to current and/or prospective employees, urgent care leaders must achieve compliance with pay transparency laws. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc California, New York, Washington, and Rhode Island are among the latest states to add salary range transparency laws to their books.[1] As of this writing, eight states have enacted such laws, with at least 15 more considering legislation on this topic, including Illinois, …

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Keeping an Eye on Scope Creep

Keeping an Eye on Scope Creep

I’m assuming you saw news stories last month with headlines like this: “Walmart and Other Drug Stores Want to Help You Skip Trips to the Doctor.” Walmart Health is set to open 28 new locations in the coming year. Consumers can get testing and treatment for strep, flu, and COVID-19 at a Walmart pharmacy in 12 states, at Walgreens in 13 states, and at CVS in 10 states. Rite Aid is working on it, too. …

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Worksite Clinics: Another Competitor or a New Opportunity for Urgent Care?

Worksite Clinics: Another Competitor or a New Opportunity for Urgent Care?

Urgent Message: Employer worksite clinics represent both a threat and an opportunity. Urgent care could lose some volume to no-cost care at work, but new business evolutions include partnering with local employers to develop onsite care models. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is President of Experity Consulting and Senior Editor of The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine. Patients today have more options for where they receive care than ever before, which means more competition for …

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Center Locations Double, Driven by Big Consumer Trends

Across the hills and valleys of healthcare, the rising power of the consumer has reshaped the landscape more than any other market shift in recent memory. Patient preferences are fueling demand for everything from virtual care to retail-store clinics. For urgent care, the innovations represent thrilling opportunity alongside equal measures of competition. The ratio of wins to losses will vary by market. Yet even with the large-scale disruption, urgent care has grown with intention, both …

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ICD-10-CM: What’s New for 2024

Phyllis Dobberstein, CPC, CPMA, CPCO, CEMC, CCC, is RCM Compliance Manager, Experity With the fall season comes all the coding changes for the year. This starts with the 2024 edition of the ICD-10-CM codes, which went into effect on October 1, 2023. As a reminder, there is no grace period. Changes are effective on dates of service as of October 1. Prior to this date, practices should continue to use the 2023 ICD-10-CM code set. This …

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The Fights We Can Win

The Fights We Can Win

Click Here to download the article PDF There’s been a lot of deep thinking around here lately. The questions we’ve been pondering have been with us for a long time, but often the answers don’t fully emerge when we want them to. They emerge when the moment is right. And sometimes, it takes new questions, or the same questions asked in a different way at a slightly different time or by a different person, for …

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Innovation and Sustainability: Urgent Care Run School-Based Health Centers Improve Community Health

Innovation and Sustainability: Urgent Care Run School-Based Health Centers Improve Community Health

Urgent message: By leveraging grant funding, community-facing services, and a collaborative model with school districts, QUICKmed Urgent Care operates a successful school-based health center model. This innovative approach addresses healthcare gaps in underserved areas and augments the operator’s core business. Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc Click Here to download the article PDF QUICKmed Urgent Care, based in Youngstown, OH, is a prominent provider in the state’s Northeast region. Its 12 traditional urgent care centers are …

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