Documentation Excellence: The Trifecta

Documentation Excellence: The Trifecta

Brad Laymon, PA In the dynamic environment of urgent care (UC) medicine, precise, and thorough documentation serves as a cornerstone for both clinical and operational success. Beyond merely fulfilling regulatory requirements, documentation excellence has 3 critical functions, which I refer to as the “trifecta:” 1. Improved patient outcomes through clear communication of care; 2. Mitigation of malpractice risk through clear and defensible explanation of medical decision making (MDM); and 3. Accurate description of complexity to …

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Are We Ready for a Day Without Urgent Care?

Are We Ready for a Day Without Urgent Care?

Rajesh Geria, MD; Patrick O’Malley, MD Every year, our nation’s 14,000 urgent care (UC) clinics care for nearly 206 million patients, equating to 564,383 patients every day across the country.[1] Imagine what would happen if there was no urgent care for just a single day. Now imagine that if that possibility lasted not just a day, but indefinitely. Unfortunately, many communities are at risk for this reality coming to pass. Decreasing reimbursement, clinician burnout, and …

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Practical Advice for Clinicians on Interfacing with Social Media

Practical Advice for Clinicians on Interfacing with Social Media

Did you know the average person spends over 2 hours on social media every day?[1] While it’s clear that social media is here to stay, the impacts of social media trends on clinicians and patients alike is probably less apparent to you—but it is undoubtedly the reality we face. Today, 8 in 10 internet users search for health information online,[2] and 74% of these people use social media.[3] Perhaps more surprisingly, in a 2023 survey, …

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Expecting the Unexpected: Emergency Preparedness in the Urgent Care Setting

Expecting the Unexpected: Emergency Preparedness in the Urgent Care Setting

Lyndsie Watkins, PA-C, FCUCM Lyndsie Watkins, PA-C, FCUCM, is lead PA for Northwell Health GoHealth Urgent Care East Region, a director of its fellowship program, and co-director of the GoPrepare emergency preparedness programing. Picture this: It’s a busy day in your urgent care (UC). You’re moving along steadily, seeing patients back-to-back. Unexpectedly, there is a commotion as a woman is brought in from the neighborhood right in front of the building. She appears unconscious, and …

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It’s Time for Us to Get Involved

It’s Time for Us to Get Involved

Roger Hicks, MD I live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in Northern California, where, like numerous other parts of the world, extreme weather events are becoming increasingly routine occurrences. The “hot days” are hotter and more abundant, and the droughts are more severe. In turn, this has precipitated more wildfires, which lead to problematic smoke and hazardous air quality. When I opened my urgent care (UC) clinic 24 years ago, I never thought …

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How Changes in Team Composition Affect Performance: What Urgent Care Can Learn from the Sports World

How Changes in Team Composition Affect Performance: What Urgent Care Can Learn from the Sports World

Ivan Koay MBChB, MRCS, FRNZCUC, MD Optimal team dynamics play a key role in productivity and enterprise success. The importance of a well-functioning team is evident every day in urgent care centers (UCCs). Increasingly, rapid turnover of UC staff is becoming normative, and changes in team composition can have significant impact on how well a team functions. Whether from daily shift changes or staff joining or leaving the organization, such changes require adaptations both for …

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Mitigating Suicide Risk in Young Patients: Urgent Care’s Role in Identifying Patients At-Risk And Saving Lives

Mitigating Suicide Risk in Young Patients: Urgent Care’s Role in Identifying Patients At-Risk And Saving Lives

Jeanne Marconi, MD Over the past 20 years, and more recently throughout the pandemic, suicide rates in the United States have generally been increasing; this has been especially true among adolescents and young adults.1 Despite improvements in recognition and appreciation of the impact of mental health issues, suicide rates continue to climb in America. Healthcare centers, whether inpatient or outpatient, have the unique opportunity to identify patients at-risk for self-harm and to intervene. These opportunities …

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Why Specialty Recognition Matters More Than Ever for Urgent Care

Why Specialty Recognition Matters More Than Ever for Urgent Care

Commuting in Jakarta can be a nightmare. The average citizen in Indonesia’s capital city spends weeks stuck in urban transit each year. Compare this with Singapore, which is consistently rated one of the best cities in the world for commuters. The difference between the day-to-day experience of residents of each city is stark. The root cause of why these two metropolises of southeast Asia have such disparate commuter experiences lies in the contrast of how …

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Updates on Sports Related Concussion from the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport

Updates on Sports Related Concussion from the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport

Over the last 20 years, the Concussion in Sport Group has met periodically to develop statements guiding the assessment and management of sports related concussions. The most recent meeting of the group took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in October 2022 and produced updated and freely available, evidence-informed tools to assist in the detection and assessment of sports related concussion (SRC). These tools include: the Concussion Recognition Tool-6 (CRT6); Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-6 (SCAT6); Child SCAT6; …

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Master the Distinction Between Level 3 and Level 4 Visits with These Best Practices

Master the Distinction Between Level 3 and Level 4 Visits with These Best Practices

A recurring issue for healthcare practitioners is the frequency with which they find themselves contemplating whether a patient encounter should be classified as a level 3 or level 4 office visit. With a staggering 79% of ambulatory patient visits falling within these categories, this query has become exceedingly common among providers. Complicating matters further, the coding guidelines from the American Medical Association (AMA) contain gray areas that can contribute to additional confusion.[1] This article aims …

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