AHA Cites Labor Costs and Administrative Burdens as Top Financial Issues

AHA Cites Labor Costs and Administrative Burdens as Top Financial Issues

Hospitals and health systems are facing significant financial pressures that make it difficult for them to balance their budgets year after year, according to a new economic report from the American Hospital Association (AHA). Even as the pandemic eased in 2023, they dealt with rising expenses stemming from high labor, drug, and supply costs, as well as increasing administrative burdens. Meanwhile, reimbursements from Medicare and Medicaid programs haven’t kept up with the rising costs, and …

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Physician Burnout Is on the Rise

Physician Burnout Is on the Rise

Emphasis on timely patient flow, reducing wait times, and maximizing provider efficiency may leave urgent care clinicians at greater risk for burnout than ever before—and that’s on top of the pressures reported in a new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. The data show that burnout rates, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation among physicians are going up and that satisfaction with work–life balance is going down. Fifty-four percent of the subjects reported at least one …

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